LITHUANIA/BELARUS: FANTASIES CUM TRUEBelarus decides to masturbate in Russia's room to seduce him. The room she's in turns out to be Lithuania's. Comfort!Fluffy!Lithuania/Belarus smut.(since she's dying of embarrassment when Lithuania walked in on her)
AUSTRALIA/AUSTRIA: ANIMALISTIC SEXPrompt: Austria finally gets fed up with Prussia insulting his manhood for the millionth time, especially when Germany can't exactly disagree with his brother. And so, Austria wants to prove that he can be manly. Hungary suggests that he should do something big like roughing it out in the Outback of Australia and arranges the trip, much to Austria's chargin. Now he's stuck with a trek through Outback with Australia as his guide, which there's no love lost between the two.
Somewhere along the trip, sexual tension between the two and go at it during a camp out like animals. Whether Austria becomes 'manly' or not, it's up to you. I'm trying not to be too specific on it so sorry if I'm being too vague.
Bonus if Hungary is following the two in their journey without being seen (she is a warrior after all) and tapes everything.
CANADA/GERMANY: MAKE IT SO, PLZOk ladies and gentlemen of anon!
Make it so Please.
CANADA AND THE ICE STORM OF 1998Canada and the Ice Storm of 1998.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_ice_storm_of_1998#impact Basically, it was really bad for some Canadian cities -- notably Montreal and Ottawa, which are kind of big.
So, let's see how Canada reacts to this (physically and emotionally). Hypothermia? Shaking? Fainting?
Bonus: Canada faints during a meeting.
Bonus-2: Worried England and/or America.
CANADA'S FIRST KISS... is accidentaly taken be a nation's soldier (preferably an American) during a Nations and Boss' meeting. CHAOS <-- because it's definitely the last thing anyone would expect.
Pancakes + Maple syrup + strawberries if: The Prime Minister and Canada are amused while the others are going "AL;KJSDHFALSldkjfgdfk12930usdfks;ldkKDJF!!!!!"
FINLAND/SWEDEN: SWEDEN FEELS ASHAMEDThere's not much Sweden!Angst on this meme, is there?
... That's not quite true, but still.
I'd like SuFin. They're attracted to each other, but they haven't confessed yet, Finland because he's still a bit nervous and figures Sweden knows already, Sweden because he's painfully, gut-wrenchingly ashamed.
Ashamed. Not just "well, he's a bit skittish around me so I'll keep quiet to not scare him off" but "he's scared of me and he hates me and I don't deserve him and loving him is the worst thing I could possibly do"-- Or something along those lines. But he can't stop himself from feeling the way he does.
Aaaand then Sexy!Finland comes to him and all the bottled-up passion and affection explodes in passionate, rough, dirty sex.
Angst it up, Anons!~ Make me cry!
Bonus 1: Someone (anyone, really) teasingly mentions Stockholm Syndrome, making Sweden feel even worse.
Bonus 2: Sweden cries from frustration... and Finland isn't there to comfort him.
Bonus 2: Finland tops. Because it's awesome when Finland tops.
SWEDEN/FINLAND AND CHOCOLATE PUDDINGThis first-time requester would like to see some smutty SuFin. Time and place is up to the poster.
But bonus points will be awarded if there is chocolate pudding involved.
ENGLAND/DR. WHO CROSSOVERI've seen Germany paired with Hitler, Austria with his composers and America with Ronald McDonald.
I want England with Doctor Who. Crack, smut I don't care.
It can also be with any Doctor you want :D You can do it Anon!
AMERICA, CANADA, TURKEY, NETHERLANDS: HE DOES IT OUT OF LOVEYou know how America takes the limelight away from Canada (if the light even stays on the poor guy for more than 3 seconds orz)?
Well, this OP believes that Alfred does that because it's his way of protecting his cute twin brother from the other nations without being obvious/one of those over-bearing, over-protective brothers. If there's less attention on Matt, then that means Canada can remain the peaceful/peace keeping country that it is-- and America secretly loves.
The request:: A nation that doesn't interact much with Canada but has strong relations (like Netherlands(?), for example) figures it out.
Option -> If Turkey is the nation (because OP has a sudden liking for Turkey/Canada <3)
Option --> Canada knows (deliberately being vague here so that anon can be creative~)
RUSSIA/GERMANYThis anon would love to see some master/slave kink. I want germany begging! Lots of teasing! begins as non-con ends up as con. Handcuffs would be loved! a bit of smut by the end could be nice!!
Based on a weird conversation a friend and I had:
Pairing: Russia/England/Canada, America
Prompt: Cold War Era. Russia finds an interesting way to get back at America: by making him watch.
SWEDEN/OTHER, FINLAND/OTHER: IT'S A COMMON OCCURANCEStrange, specific request is strange and specific, but here goes.
Anon would like to see Finland going to a
Nightwish concert. After having a little too much to drink, Finland gets up on stage and attempts to...be part of the band. Play Tuomas' keyboards, sing, what have you. Naturally, the cops come and he is thrown in jail for hijacking the concert (or whatever that would be classified under).
Sweden...has to come bail him out of jail.
BONUS: If this scenario has happened before and is a regular occurrence for Sweden to have to go through.
DOUBLE BONUS: If Sweden's demeanor scares the inmates.
TRIPLE BONUS: If anon somehow manages to work in Finland/Tuomas or Sweden/Annette.
UK/US having sex in America's (winning) demolition derby vehicle, after much insistence from America that he deserves it as a prize. Bonus points if Britain notices at some point that the vehicle used to be his.
ROME/GERMANIA, AUSTRIA: HE'S THEIR DRUNK-LOVE!BABYOK, there's this fanon theory going around that Austria = Rome/Germania DrunkLove!Baby.
Please, oh magic Anons, I need to see the fluffy humor (and mild violence on Germania's part, of course XD) Vati Rome und Mutti Germania taking care of their adorable little child Roderich~!
Please Anons, I am groveling~!
SEALAND: SEALANDIC ANGELYou know how England's alter ego is Britannia Angel?
Anon would LOVE to see something where Sealand steals England's wand and decides to make one of his own called the 'Sealandic Angel'. (His hat floats above his head instead of a halo :3)
Mass havoc ensues.
KUMAJIROU/CANADAoh god I'm totally going to hell for this
In that order
AUSTRALIA/AMERICA: THRILLSBecause, what the heck kink meme, am I the only one who can see them being great friends/lovers? This place is oddly barren of Australia/America, and needs moar! I know Australia has no canon personality, but still, his fanon one rocks
So, Australia/America, either as friends or more is totally up to the writer. I just want to see them hanging out, having a good, healthy relationship, and maybe bonding over an intense love for adrenalin-inducing activies from thrill rides to messing with dangerous animals to extreme sports.
Bonus: Sexytiems between these two would be intensely hot, and much appreciated~
Bonus 2: Because America seems to me like an animal person...if Australia's totally insane looking koala doesn't mind America, even though it seems to hate everyone but Australia (my reason being: because America's not afraid of it, and it knows in that way that animals do XD)
AMERICA AND THE JUNGLE CROSSOVERAnon would like to see America's initial response to Upton Sinclair's
The Jungle.
Bonus if he gets the ACTUAL meaning of the book (capitalism vs. socialism, not 'ew...my hamburgers came from THOSE cows? o-o;).
CANADA AND CANADIAN ANGELEveryone knows that when England's drunk, he becomes Britianna Angel right? So what about the Canada?
OP wants to see Canada becoming into Canadian Angel and granting a random wish!
Bonus1: America and England become shock at the outcome of Canada
Bonus2: Canada wearing a maple leaf when he's Canadian Angel
If this has already been done, please let me know where. I apologize for taking up your time.
FRANCE/ROBESPIERREAnon would really like some France/Robespierre. Preferably of the non-crack variety, but anything is fine. Please?
AMERICA/ENGLAND/AMERICA: FLUFF AND A HAPPY ENDING, PLZFrance (or anyone) dares America to be actually be nice to England for a week/month/whatever. America accepts the challenge only to feel suprised (and guilty) when England seems sincerely happy to be on better terms with his former colony. America may or may not have had romantic feelings for England before the fic takes place, but he should by the end of it.
Fluff and a happy ending, please.
This idea stems from my belief that the only reason England and America don't get along too well currently is due to their efforts at bothering/annoying the other. After all, they got along so well before...
AMERICA, CANADA, ENGLAND: YOU'D THINK HE'D GIVE UP ON ALL THIS MAGIC BIZZO, WOULDN'T YOU?Tired of Alfred's not-so-stellar grasp on world geography/history/culture, Arthur decides to take matters into his own hands...
Cue Britannia Angel. As usual, he fails. Epically. As a result, Alfred is sent back in time. Anon is not picky about the time period he is sent to as long as it occurs before the New World was discovered.
Meanwhile in the present day, Arthur finds out that something has gone terribly, terribly, wrong and uses his powers to travel in time in order to retrieve Alfred, revisiting different time periods as he goes along.
Eventually (after much traveling on both men's part), they meet each other and return to the future. Happy End ensues.
What I'd really like to see is America showing awkwardness at first; Alfred is an alien in a time that he wasn't a part of: He is no longer America, the nation, but just Alfred, the human. But of course, given his personality he manages and gets to know more about the other nations, who in turn aid Alfred in his quest to find the one person who can get him out of this mess, England.
Anon is up for anything: fluff, serious, crack, smut, etc. Just have fun with it, Author!Anons~
Bonus 1: Canada involuntarily being sent back in time with Alfred as a result of 'brotherly bonding' occurring at the time of the Britannia Angel incident.
Bonus 2: Unexpected pairings occurring... with America bottoming. (Poland/America, anyone? :D)
Bonus 3: In the present day, the nations Alfred met don't remember Alfred and are surprised at the sudden attention that America seems to be giving them.. (a potential omake, perhaps?)
FRANCE/CANADA, ENGLAND/AMERICA, GERMANY/VENEZIANO, SPAIN/ROMANO: BRAWL!So I would like to see America and Canda or the Italy Bros getting into a fist fight at a world meeting! The fight gets so bad that the brothers start purposely pulling on each others erogenous zones to try and embarrass the other.
Meanwhile, the boyfriends of the two fighting start to get turned on by their moans which leads to a quickie in the broom closet!
Pairings I would like to see would be: FranceCanada and UKUS, or GermanyNItaly and SpainRamono.
thank you whoever fills this...
SPAIN/AUSTRIA: WITH HISTORICAL DETAILSA sudden craving for Spain/Austria hit anon today like a ton of bricks. So anon would like to see something with this pairing (in that order please) with historical details, if possible. Smut is appreciated (and thoroughly enjoyed) but not necessary.
Bonus 1: Hungary is watching but not interacting
Links please if this has already been done ^^
Torte Napoleon Smut would be amazing.
ENGLAND/SEYCHELLES: HE WONThere's so much fan art of them together; but no fics!
Kink: He finally won against France in the battle of love!
Here, have some pic prompt:
http://e-shuushuu.net/images/2009-07-31-183603.jpeg (This sort of relates?)
ANYONE/ANYONE: TALK OF SEX WITH THE LIGHTS ON/OFFNation A and Nation B have an impromptu discussion on whether to have sex with the lights on or off. preferably while in the midst of making out/foreplay.
reasons can be whatever: what's normal, past trauma, wanting to see, energy conservation. anything. any genre.
anon likes more canony pairs.
AMERICA, BRAZIL AND TONYBrazil is actually quite a hotspot for UFO and alien sightings. The general prompt is America, Brazil and Tony just chilling out together.
GERMANY/VENEZIANO: LEARNING IS FUNItaly teaching Germany to ride a moped/vespa.
Germany, in turn, teaching Italy to ride something ELSE.
I will love whoever fills this forever.
POLAND, ANYONE/CANADA: DRESSED IN DRAGPoland and Canada are good friends, really they are. They even go clubbing every Friday (and squee over Wayne Gretzky and all the other awesome Polish-Canadians). No one notices because Canada's in drag (looking surprisingly good)...So, what do you suppose would happen if they bump into another nation one night and they start hitting on Canada without realizing who she is a he is Canada?
They become horny when they drink each other's tea :D
England reciting Shakespearian poetry. During sex.
Arthur being the big romance fag that he is.
America being all embarrassed and girly about it would be lovely.
Seduction, commie style.
China, Russia, and Cuba joking with America about him finally "becoming red" because he's flushed from sex.
Make it Habenero Pepper HOT!
I have a bit of a specific request! I'd like a UK and kid!America in the context of the song 'When I'm gone' by Eninem.
So kid!America in the role of the daughter Eninem sings about, England represented as Eninem, France represented as Kim and (at the end that's briefly mentioned) Kid!Canada as the little sister of kid!America.
If this doesn't make sense then I'm sorry, I'll try to rewrite it so it makes sense!
P.S. I don't necessarily want a song!fic but if you add the lyrics in that's kewl. I just want the general feel of the song in the fic so it doesn't have to be exactly matching the way the song goes.
ANYONE/ANYONE, RUSSIA/AMERICA: NATION NAMESHas anyone ever heard of that myth or whatever involving fairies? If you find out a fairy or magical creature's true/full name then they have to do whatever you tell them to do if given a command?
Well, in Anon's head-canon, this is the same for nations-- with their human names. I want to see one nation finding another nation's name. Whether they're cruel or they choose not to use it is up to anon. I just really want to see something like this done.
Bonus: A nation gives its name to another nation as a sign of trust.
I don't mind what pairing is used-- I would actually love to see multiple pairings. Though my OTP is Russia/America
DENMARK/NORWAY: PROPOSALI've had the idea for about 3 weeks that it would be HILARIOUS if Denmark would propose to Norway in a world meeting. Obviously, this is a crack prompt, but I want things IC, and if you want to make things fluffy go ahead and throw in a sheep! That would be wonderful, if you know how to manage it! Anon is not looking for smut, but if you figure out some way to put it in and REALLY want to include it, go ahead.
-Denmark interrupts some other really important topic (swine flu, economy crash, North Kora, etc.)
-He goes to the front of the room to where America/England/whoever's speaking is, takes a mic, and announces it to everyone
-Norway totally beats him up for this, but accepts the proposal ;D
-All three above if you can manage it! *SHOT*
Thanks to anyone who decides to fill this~ *SHOT*
LITHUANIA/LITHUANIAI've seen it done with other countries. Now I want it for Liet.Hop to it, anons.
Bonus: Russia, America, Estonia, Latvia, or any combination of the above walks in and decides to join in.
Bonus 2: If there's something resembling a plausible explanation.
There's not enough Lithuania in here. Please please please don't let me down!
ANYONE/AMERICA: HIS OTHER SIDE SHOWSThis anon believes that America has some sorta angry/evil/yandere-ish/gun-fetishing other side.
So, this anon would like to see America getting extremely annoyed/angry at a world meeting and this other side comes out and nearly makes swish cheese out of Russia England France someone. Then, America realizes what he's done and is extremely guilty/embarrassed and runs away leaves the room.
And then someone else (anon is not picky who but would like to see some one other than canons like Germany or Italy) goes to comfort him.
Anon hopes they weren't overly!specific. ^^;
reCAPTCHA: 'russians 1/4' ......what?
ENGLAND/AMERICA: HAPPY ENDINGFor any of you have read this amazing fanfic,
Rehabilitation you know it's sad ending. I am here to request a happy ending for this. Basically disregard the final chapter and give me some happy things to read.
I want Alfred to live, Arthur helps fix him and of course Arthur being able to stay with Alfred in the end as well.
Those are my only requirements. As long as the ending is happy I don't care particularly how you get there. XDDDDDD
Italia Angel has a job to do! With some angel magic, Italy secretly helps Romano take a step forward to Spain. So he makes his older brother Romano say nothing but the truth from his heart to Spain.
Of course Romano doesn't know what's going on and feels totally embarrassed, but with his true feelings out and about in words other than insults Spain is more than accepting!
MAKE IT FLUFFY ANON and I would LOVEZ YOU <3 [some smut at the end is up to you]
Sorry if this has been done already but... D:
I wants the viking Nordics to meet little baby America [who can throw a full grown buffalo]!
History has taught that vikings came to America way back when before Europeans, so this includes them Nordic countries and their reaction.
Tons of giggles please. :3
BONUS: Denmark gets his butt kicked by a playful giggling America.
BONUS2: A female Native American-tan makes an appearance as the caretaker of America. Whatever reaction there is up to anon!
AMERICA/ENGLAND: INDIANA JONES CROSSOVERwell just re-watched the old movies and I love indi and I love hetalia so why not mash em together
of corse Alfred has to be indiana and other characters can be placed as writer!anon sees fit! I don't care which movie you use or if you want to make your own alfred jones adventure XD and if writer!anon wants to put some smut in there also I don't mind *cough*USUK*cough*
please make it awesome and hilarious ^_^
Bonus:if this whole fic is a dream and US suddenly awakes from it at the end XD
AUSTRALIA, WORLD: THONGSAnon got caught the other day saying thongs to an American tourist, thongs in Australia are footwear where as everywhere else it's underwear (or g-string).
I want to see Australia as a tourist somewhere (anywhere! or even better world conference!) with the other nation(s) complaining he needs a new pair of thongs - or he can't find his thongs.
Bonus uh.. Australia being completely oblivious to everyones thoughts - or he knows and he continues to do it on purpose.
UKRAINE/BELARUS: LITTLE TO NO RUSSIASadly, I am one who likes Yuri, so my request is:
Could someone do one about Ukraine and Belarus. And little to no Russia involved, please: he's always in one about one (or both) of those two...
SPAIN/ROMANO, VENEZIANO, ROME: HE’S MAGICALLY BACK (AGAIN)Grandpa Rome magically comes to visit his cute Italies! For whatever amount of time before he has to go back.
The catch: Romano is angsty and mad at his Grandpa Rome.
Setting: Rome is back and loving on Italy more than Romano. Jealous and lonely, since Rome took Italy with him for some time when they were younger and taught him everything and those memories are brought with this affection, Romano snaps in an angsty outburst with 'I hate you. you never cared for me only Italy' or something like that and leaves. Caring brother Italy tells Rome his theory of how Romano feels abandoned, so Grandpa Rome goes to look for him before he has to leave!
I want A LOOOOOOT of angst from Romano [not so much childish envy but real lonely angst]. And a fluffy ending of Grandpa Rome apologizing and Romano forgives him~
BONUS: Romano runs to protective loving passionate Spain.
BONUS TWO: Spain and Rome fight [scary fake smile verbal fight or real Rome Empire vs Conquistador Spain, either is fine] b/c Spain doesn't like when his Romano is this upset and won't let even Grandpa Rome speak to him!
PLLLEEEAAASE ANON? :3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Canada/Fem!America, with Canada having a kinda-sorta Oedipus Complex that finds its roots in the fact that, having had no mother, Canada came to view Fem!America as a mother of sorts during their colonial days (as I could see England making her do "women's work" as opposed to hunting, etc, as she is a lady, and in my headcanon, Canada and America lived together when young, so she would be the one making his meals, cleaning his clothes, etc), especially when she began to go through puberty before him (as women usually are near the end of maturity when boys are just beginning).
The situation itself can be just about anything, so long as the "Oedipus Complex" is addressed, and can be set in colonial times (during his Mommy!America phase) or Canada reminiscing about it, or...again, I'm open-minded XD
Bonus:Sigmund Freud believed that with a child having an attraction toward their mother, kids with an Oedipus Complex also have desires to "eliminate the competition" so to speak, or more literally, take the place of the father (in this case, father figure). So, Matthew viewing Arthur as "competition"/being jealous of him/ whatever X3
RUSSIA/ESTONIA: NON-CON AND APHRODISIACSRussia gets tired of Estonia's smug attitude.
Bonus if the other Baltics are mentioned somehow.
Please? I need more of this pairing.
AMERICA: CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENTSince the interactions between Alfred and RL people seem to mostly be during the Revolutionary War, WWII, or with the current/last Presidency, I want to see him interact with the people during the civil rights movement.
I can see him being one of the poor/brave souls who, though obviously not a minority, fought to end racial discrimination and were shunned by their own race because of it (even though he's not human, but they don't know that >>).
And I would love to see him actually talking to Martin Luther King. <33
op would love writeranon forever.
DENMARK/SWEDEN/NORWAY: CONSENTUAL THREESOMECan... can I just get a straight-out consensual (although I don't mind a bit of reluctance or bitching, just no rape or lack of consent) threesome of Denmark/Sweden/Norway (no, it doesn't have to be in that order- whatever works)?
They've been united, they've been at war, they've hated each other, they've been very close allies... and I'd just like to see them together. I'd prefer something modern day and moderately fluffy if snarky, but I don't mind something angsty or fully consensual hatesex or something based on a historical event, yadda yadda.
...A bonus for Den or Nor getting a bit evil on Finland, with a 'he was ours/mine first' deal? Er. If everything's totally awesome and Finland finds this threesome totally okay or even arousing or hell, isn't mentioned at all, that's fine, too. Um.
Kink: She fits his taste for BDSM, or it can just be PWP
FRANCE/ENGLAND: HUMAN RESPONSESI've been reading this fanfic, and I got this idea when I read the chapters on France and England. The story is about the human sides of the nations hating their nations sides. It's kind of like a split personality type of thing...
Anyway, you have to read these two first:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5201915/4/The_Reflection_of_Human_Perceptionhttp://www.fanfiction.net/s/5201915/6/The_Reflection_of_Human_Perception What I want is Francois and Arthur, during one of their interludes, discover that the person they're with is the human and not the nation, so they fall in love (or rather, confess they don't hate each other as much as the nations do).
And I don't want them to yell at the nations and giving up anything. I want things to kind of go back to normal, only that the two human's have a little more control over their body's.
Secret affair or not, it doesn't matter.
Sorry for the weird request, but I really like the thought and idea. Plus I don't have much time to write it out myself...
BELARUS/JAPAN: SWORD FIGHT AS FOREPLAYBecause it won't leave my mind.
Bonus points if someone can work in Japan's "Please take responsibility" AND Belarus's "Let's get married" 83
CANADA, RUSSIA: NOT THE CANADA WE ALL KNOWI donno if anything like this has been requested before or not but, here goes.
Alaska used to belong to Russia, right?
Well, what if...America never bought the state in the first hand? I donno, the idea in my head is something like, instead of England taking care of Canada after France, Russia robbed Matthew away from right under Francis' nose. Then he raised the boy in his image of a perfect country? So, in this day and age, Canada's hold on the world is more terrifying then even Russia's and even Russia regrets what he's done.
I donno, I guess what I really want is some sort of angsty AU where instead of America facing off with Russia, he has to face off with a twin that he remembers loving very much. As a bonus, I'd love it if author!anon could stretch this out into some sort of multichapter thing that includes a new history and a totally changed Canada <3
NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA, WORLD: WE HAD SIX! SIX!Not sure if anyone knows this, But New Zealanders often pronouce their vowels differently to other countries Or at least different to Australian's lawl.
For example pencil becomes pincil and textbook becomes tixtbook. So e's=i sounds. And it goes back in reverse sometimes >D
Can anyone guess what the what the word "six" sounds like? It's Sex, kay
Tl;Dr: Anon would like New Zealand (preferably female, will deal if male), at a world meating where she/he ends up saying the word "six". Cue Australia automatically cracking up, because that's how we are, and the rest of the nations being confused. And disturbed/Distgusted.
Bonus! if New Zealand beats the crap out of Australia
Bonus 2! she makes it up with "six" later >D
Bonus 3if England wonders/angsts over why all his "children" are so ungentlemanly/unladylike. And France "comforts him"
RUSSIA/AMERICA, ANYONE/ANYONE: DOUBLE-DATINGTwo Hetalia couples double-dating!
(crack, serious, or otherwise-this anon would dearly love to see how this plays out)
Bonus: One of the couples is Russia/America ♥
AMERICA/CANADA: “NO ONE CARES ABOUT CANADA”"For eight years Canada had to put up with putdowns, (accusations of) flirtations with the terrorists, rubbing in their face his special relationship with Mexico," wrote the commenter, writing under the handle "Dreamer," referring to Bush's attitude towards his neighbour to the north.
"Now Canada has in Hopey a great boyfriend who brings her flowers, appreciates Canada's awesomeness, who says he loves her, who promised to call back - (and) you know he will. I mean, what is not to love?" (
Take it as you will, just as long as it has something to do with America and Canada's (strained but strong) relationship. HOWEVER, OP would like this to be added in there somewhere-->
"No one cares about Canada."
... Because OP likes reading hurt stories about her country. OTL I'm so sorry, Matt. *SOOOOOOB*
BONUS: if an american or canadian said that in the unknowing presence of his/her beloved nation.
Lovino has a crush on Germany but too stubborn to admit it
Bonus- Devastated Spain
DOUBLEBonus- Feliciano helping his brother admit even though he likes Germany too
ENGLAND AND HIS REVERSE HAREMErmm anyone seen Negima? You know the anime about the little wizard kid who teaches a class and they all fall in love with him. Well how about little wizard England teaching a class full of the others and they all fall in love with how cute and little he is. The rest is up to whoever fills it.
Hope I posted this in the right place. Delete it if its wrong.
ENGLAND, VENEZIANO: BRITANNIA ANGEL STRIKES AGAINBritannia Angel (much like he did for china and japan with korea) turns Italy in Chibitalia to make him more... uh, manageable.
I'd like it to be both crack and have its serious moments, and germany being vaguely jealous because chibitalia is quite scared of him.
Bonus: chibitalia does not retain any memory of his adult self.
Bonus 2: some fluff. because chibitalia is just terribly cute and everybody would love him.
Bonus 3: Austria, Prussia and Hungary make their appearance. The allies too, if they can be fit in. I can see Gilbert dotting on chibitalia...
Anon can work out what happens, but if hints of gerita are applied, please do not make this shota.
HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, PRUSSIA: WORDS OF WISDOM Inspired by this beautiful picture :(
http://media.photobucket.com/image/prussia/HetaliaLove/-Pairings-/Prussia%20x%20HRE/white.jpg?o=246 )
Basically got me thinking, what if after a nation's physical country disappeared, their souls/human representation stays on Earth wandering the world, but with cloaked or masked faces, occasionally giving wisdom to still-alive nations? Even HRE would have a wandering soul, because his empire is gone leaving the representation (even though Germany still = HRE in my head)
I would like to see Prussia's soul after the Berlin Wall fell and HRE's mysteriously appearing to give any nation advice or words of wisdom (while keeping their identity hidden). Other dead nations can be included too~
Sorry for large complicated request :U
SWITZERLAND/HUNGARY AND HER OVERPROTECTIVE OLDER BROTHERSYou heard it. Switzerland x Hungary. With Prussia and Austria acting as the 'overprotective older brothers'. Preferably humor. Doesn't necessarily have to be smut. No threesomes/foursomes, please.
Bonus kudos if Liechtenstein appears.
If you do this, I will love you forever.
+ If I've stuffed something up or missed a link, please let me know.
+ Requests with asterisks (*) beside them have been filled. If you fill one (or see one is filled), please let me know. You don't have to provide a link and can remain anonymous.
+ Language beta'ing and other links can be found
on our profile.
Part One of this post is
here. I think we've used every canon character in this post. Quite a feat, anons~