A lot of countries crammed into a tiny car, and N. Italy at the front wheel. Oh god.
OF MUTUAL ACCORD 3/5 [U.S./England]
Early Meiji era; England is reluctantly seduced by U.S. just by where Japan is sleeping.
THE WISHING THING 2/2 [U.S./England]
A Britannia Angel story: U.S.'s all grown, but he can't forget that angel he saw.
CROATOAN 56-62/? [England/U.S.]
England saves U.S. from the fairies!
A Britannia Angel accident regresses everyone to child versions of themselves at a world meeting; chaos proceeds accordingly.
After the events of
Opening Heaven's Gate, U.S. makes his preparations for revenge by consolidating the United Continent of North America.
HUSH 4/4 [Canada/Poland]
Seduction by poetry (Gregory Scofield).
THE FLESH OF MY BROTHER 5/5 [Germany/Prussia]
Prussia gets off on the difference in body size between him and Germany.
Based on U.S. boycotting the U.N. for Israel's sake; two nations feeling isolated come together.
HABIT 2/? [U.S./Canada]
Canada is unhappy, and under the impression that no one cares.
OH GOD 2/? [Spain/S. Italy, S. Italy/OC]
S. Italy, about to lose his virginity to a girl, realizes his feelings for Spain.
Spain introduces horses to America.
NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE? 4/? [U.S./Lithuania/Russia]
Field trip to Kansas to solve Russia's Issues!
ARE YOU THERE GOD? IT'S ME, CANADA 17/? [Poland/Canada]
High school AU; the diary of Matthew Williams, chronicling his encounters with gay nympho parents, overenthusiastic brothers and best friends, and a trap.
A CONSUMMATION DEVOUTLY TO BE--CAN WE JUST CALL IT THAT OTHER SIESTAItalyJapan(/Italy) - consummating their marriage (Italy being responsible??) and maybe some domestic fluff?
NOTHING'S TOO FROZEN FOR NORWAYNorwegians eat an insane amount of frozen pizza. I read somewhere that 1 % of all the food Norwegians buy are frozen pizzas. So, it's only natural that Norway loves it, right? <3 Anyone/Norway, some nation convincing Norway to do something by telling him that he'll get a Grandiosa pizza after he's done it. Doesn't have to be anything sexual, crack is awesome too.
NO, ALFRED, NEITHER OF THEM ARE IN ALABAMA OR MICHIGANToday, for some unbeknownst reason we had our physics lesson in a geography room at college. No one had wiped the board. This is what was written, word for word:
"What are the physical differences between North and South Italy?"
Yes, I lol'd. Coincidences, I love you.
So I'd like to see a fic based on this line. It could be a country walks in like I did and sees this, and decides to find out (hilarity ensues) or a class for the countries themselves (again hilarity ensues). Sex is fine.
I live in England, so bonus for England.
LIET SUPERPOWER SANDWICH!Anon likes America/Lithuania and Russia/Lithuania. So why not put them all in a big pile with Lithuania in the middle?
Historical time period is open, so long as it takes place after Lithuania's outsourcing series. Although I want to see Russia being his usual unstable self (and America being his usual cocky self), I don't want Liet to have a miserable time of things, or for the sex to become just a show of dominance between Russia and America (though feel free to let them insult each other copiously). Ultimately, they both care about Liet and both want him because he's Liet.
Please also let America and Russia enjoy kissing, touching and even fucking each other -- maybe they have a second round after tiring Liet out?
Ever seen the movie
Bottle Shock and/or know about the
1976 Judgment of Paris wine taste test? It was organized by British wine expert Steven Spurrier, who only sold French wine and was convinced the California wines would lose. But California wines rated best in each category, which caused surprise as France was generally regarded as being the foremost producer of the world's best wines.
Shocking the world as it were.
Would love to see this with France, America, and England! Reactions to the movie would be okay, but the actual Judgment itself would be better.
An AU!Hetalia request. Hetalia at an All-Boys school.
Spain and Romano two years apart, when they were children they were inseparable. After some time, Spain had fallen in love with Romano but Romano and his younger brother Italy had suddenly moved away. Now in high school and after all those years, Spain is still in love with Romano. But to his luck, two new students transfer to the school, who else but the Italian brothers. Though when Spain confronts him, it seems Romano doesn't remember who he is.
I think Spain would be one of the popular athletic types. Haha.
Other pairings can be included too. Like USxUK! 8D
Anon doesn't care if humanized names are used or not.
Hope you have fun with this request. 8D
BY GRACE OF GEOGRAPHY AND THE FRENCH LIBIDOWe all love the Bad Touch Trio (Spain/France/Prussia)
And Geographically, France was in the middle : ) You know what I'm thinking
The Double penetration of France. You know you want it
(not like shota or anything, just, you know, younger)
Before Russia was the big scary rape truck that hetalia says was the USSR, he was a teenager. A creepy, lonely, gawky, big-boned teenager. France comes along and teaches him to love his body.
Russia doesn't have to be a virgin, but he should be pretty inexperienced, and what little fumbling he's had hasn't been particularly good. Also, can France be less with the mindless perviness and more with the healthy, promiscuous, sex-positive epicure?
THE SUDDEN SCANDINAVIAN SAGAScandinavian Chibis have mysteriously appeared
Sealand wakes up to viking!Sweden and MagicallyPagan!Finland and calls for help from Iceland who has his own mini-terrors to deal with.
(Bonus: Aland gets called in as reinforcements, and decides that at one point in time he MIGHT have been Finnish, but ONLY for a very short while!!!)
GONE GAMING NATIVEBit of homesickness lately has me a-hankering for the old, traditional games we used to play at camp and cider festivals and the like. SO! I would love to read a fluffy and/or nostalgic bit about young, colonial America and Canada playing some traditional games. Leapfrog, or shooting marbles, or hoops, or walking on homemade stilts, whatever. England, of course, can be present for it!
Bonus if they play a traditional Native game (bewildering England perhaps?)!
OPULENT AND OBSCENELY AWESOME ORAL ORGASMSAnon, I would like to address Canada's non-confrontational approach to getting his way.
It's blowjobs.
I'd like to see manipulative!Matthew tweaking negotiations/an argument/whatever in his favour by overwhelming his opponent with opulent and obscenely awesome oral orgasms.
Nice guys make other guys finish first. ;)
WEST COAST ROASTThe nations trying to get through a meeting in sweltering hot weather.
Everyone comes in their formal suits and everything but eventually the weather gets to them and they start removing articles of clothing one by one until some are shirtless, in their boxers, or practically naked.
Plus, the nations that still have some of their clothes on will likely be sweating with their clothes sticking to their skin and trying to cool themselves down by dousing themselves with water and you know this can get suggestive.
I'd also like to see some of them playing games, like trying to stick ice cubes down each others' shirts/pants or America busting out the water guns and shooting at England or Russia.
And let's not forget about our girls! I'd really get a kick out of some of them (like Belarus or even Liechtenstein) sporting booty shorts and suggestive tank tops underneath those dresses, or even Hungary walking around in nothing but a skirt and bra... and armed with a frying pan.
Why is there a serious lack of Rome/Germania?!?! D: I humbly ask for any Rome/Germania, be it smut, fluff, etc. But they need to argue. Lol-tastic will be wonderful! See link for reference xD DO NOT FAIL ME, ANON!
OFFERS YOU CAN'T REFUSE INTERNATIONAL, INC.So... Mafitalia and Don Romano are pretty popular, right? But what about other gangsters? I'd like a fill with gangsters and mafia. Mafitalia and Don Romano can be included but it MUST have at least one other country's mobsters in there.
-China and Hong Kong Triads
-Korea Kkangpae (literally, "gangster")
-Japan Yakuza
-Russian gangsters
-Ukrainian gangsters (because of the quote?)
Personally, I'm leaning towards the Asian gangsters (particularly Korea...).
B: Mentions of rivalries between the gangs (or that being the main source of conflict)
Due to some failed curse England tries to put on America, or anyone, England and Russia end up changin personalities. Meaning England=Yandere and Russia=Tsundere.
England/America and Liet/Russia.
Bonus: The curse wears off before they actually DO it and America and Russia end up being seme.
WILL SELL BODY FOR PASTA?Young!Roderich making Chibitalia sell his/her body on the street.
If smut must happen, France must buy Chibitalia.
B v 1.0: Chibitalia asking "So, if I do what they want, I get pasta?"
B v 2.0: Spain is apparently doing the same thing with Romano :D
B v 3.0: Prussia is doing the same thing with HRE.
Please shoot me :D
There's a lot of rape-fic, angst fic and otherwise dark, dark stories out there for Lithuania and Russia. Which is fine, as it's a fairly dark pairing. But I want to see some happy, tender, loving romance and sex, anons!
Set in 2009, almost 20 years after Liet's independence. Liet's a lot more confident and sure of himself, and he finds that he's thinking about Russia a lot. So he asks his former jailer out on a date -- entirely on his terms, of course. Russia is still his scary self, but he misses Liet too and decides to mind his manners.
Where you take it is up to you. I don't have any specific kinks, but I do want to see the two have sex at some point. <3
BLOW FOR BLOWOkay, so I have this sudden craving for some hot, sweaty, dirty Prussia/France. I don't care who's topping as long as there's a healthy amount of dirty talk.
Do this for me, anon, and I will fill the prompt of your choice!
NOT THE FUCK BOXAmerica/England
What was the mystery birthday gift that England gave America?
THE P IS FOR PROSTRATERussia/Prussia non-con.
Russia fucks a handcuffed Prussia's mouth and cums on his face.
IN WHICH ALFRED IS IN SPLENDID COMPANYCrack - amnesia!fic. Remember that Buffy episode where they all lost their memories and had to work out who they were from clues like accents, contents of wallets and who they woke up next to? Yeah, like that.
Bonus points for the use of an atlas, extra bonus points for arguing over who has the largest 'vital regions'.
FOUNDING FANBOYHistory-Nerd anon would love to see America geeking it up with his Founding Fathers. Anything is fine, really. Extra-super-bonus points if he acts like a ridiculous fangirl.
TORTURETALIAAnyone/Italy - Torture. I just want to see Italy tortured.
Clarification: N. Italy
MARITAL NON-BLISSMore realistic Sweden/Finland. Finland is bitter about his former status as practically a colony of Sweden.
AND THEN SHE SMOTHERS HIM WITH HER "GENERAL WINTERS"Female!Russia/Germany, with Russia topping, of course.
Bonus it it's set during World War II.
IT'S A BIRD, IT'S A BUTTERFLY, IT'S A PRUSSIANGermany/Prussia - Somewhere within the walls of a mental asylum, a patient named Gilbert claims that he used to be the long-dissolved nation of Prussia.
Though everyone tells him different, he remains sure that he'll see his brother again, and will try whatever he can to be free. Ending choice and tone is up to writer, with all the death!fic of Prussia or other fate choices there have been, I have yet to see this twist done.
THE BRITANNIA BETBoth Francis and Alfred are crazy for Arthur, who is.. well... completely oblivious. So the two of them do their best to show Arthur, that he should certainly be them them and not the other.
Who'll get the little Englishman's heart in the end is up to anon <3
I THINK THEY CALL THIS A HOTDOGhot gilbert/ludwig/roderich, that order would be nice.
germany sandwich. i dunno, gil and rod a bit possessive over germany, something along the lines.
sex would be fucking amazing. like, yes, i want it. haha + human names please (:
otherwise, the rest is up to you anon. i don't see enough of this pairing, threesome whatever.
Experimenting with each other, nothing too intense, was thinking just clumsy/sloppy kisses and light touching/groping
Bonus points if this was Sealand's idea as a result of being bored
SUNSHINE AND ROSESAny serial killer/Any country interaction.
Since everyone's first thought will be Jack the Ripper/England, just know that there are plenty of other serial killers out there too, and more Italian serial killers than you would think.
THE EYEBROWS DO NOT MAKE IT OKAYFrance being the lovably depraved little boy loving individual that he is makes a pass at Sealand.
UK catches him before anything serious happens and unleashes all the fury of an enraged French-hating secretly protective big brother upon his sorry keister.
Whether anything ends up in smut is up to anon, also don't have any preference between human and country names (but please try to stick to one or the other, anon finds it distracting when reading fics and the name keeps switching...)
ONCE MORE WITH FEELING AND LESS BRICKSGermany and GDR!Prussia, post-reunification.
Prussia has done something... Prussia-ish. Germany is angry at him, they have an argument. In a temper, Germany says something along the lines of "I wish they'd build the Wall up again, so you'd be out of my hair!" or "My life was so much easier back when the Wall was up!"
Prussia is genuinely hurt, and barricades himself in his room and gives Germany the silent treatment. Germany is unmoved... until Prussia doesn't doesn't come out of his room for several days straight, not even to eat.
Germany becomes increasingly frantic, listening in on the door, cataloguing the contents of the fridge to see if Prussia's taking anything out when he's not looking, begging Prussia to come out or at least let him know if he's still alive... all the while the symbolism for the Wall becomes more and more blatant.
Germany bends first, by forcibly entering Prussia's room (lock-picking, climbing through the window, ramming the door down...) Optional make-up sex ensues.
Bonus: Prussia's been feeding himself with fast food he fetches through his window.
Country names, please. Germany refers to Prussia as "Ost", to contrast with "West".
MY SOURCE MATERIAL IS TOTALLY MANLYAmerica/England: America's hero complex/obsession stems from Arthur reading him fairy tales and myths when he was little.
Obviously England loves the supernatural, so I assume he'd want to share it with little!America, if not in truth because he doesn't believe, then in stories. It would be nice if Arthur indulged in all sorts of fairy tales, rather than just English.
Brownie points for references to Arthurian myth.
Fluff rather than angst is preferred, but really, it's up to author!anon. No preference for country names vs. human names.
"I want to be your hero." (Inspired by that lovely Hero doujinshi scanlation.)
I SWEAR TO DRUNK I'M NOT RUSSIARussia and Finland, drinking together and having a civilized conversation.
-The more drunk they get, the more buddy-buddy their interaction becomes.
-The two reminiscence Finland's time at Russia's house (fondly remembering Alexander II is a plus)
-(optional) The topic of Karelia/Karjala comes up, and Finland admits he's mostly forgiven Russia by now.
-Russia does/says something creepy and Russia-like, but Finland's so drunk that he either doesn't notice or brushes it off.
-The other nations look on with a mix of terror and incredulity ("ZOMG he's being nice to Russia? Has he lost his mind?")
-Bonus points if somebody tries to drag Finland away from Russia ("for his own protection"), and Finland protests. Violently. Super special awesome bonus points if it ends in a bar brawl.
LOCK, STOCK, AND BARRELSwitzerland/Prussia. Guns, knives, whips, blood, sadomasochism.
COLORS OF THE WIND SOMETHING SOMETHING SCREW YOU JOHN SMITHI'd like something cute and fluffy with baby!America and Pocahontas, ending maybe on a bittersweet note when they separate with her going to live in England, and baby!America in a way also going to live with England.
THE SUN NEVER SETS ETC. ETC.Capt. Jack Sparrow/England/Capt. Will Turner.
England has always had a soft spot for pirates. Especially immortal ones. Double penetration with England loving it, anon.
England, Colonial U.S. and Canada, family fluff (Lullaby for a Stormy Night) →
Spain/S. Italy, high school AU →
Prussia/Austria, Prussia with Asperger's and a crush →
Realistic Sweden/Finland, with Finland being bitter over being a former Swedish colony →
U.S. and Canada playing traditional games (and/or Native games) →
Canada getting his way with blowjobs rather than blows →
Germany/Prussia, Germany pursuing his brother for a change →
Germany/Prussia, Prussia as an asylum patient who thinks he's a former nation (PLEASE NOTE)
• All tags reflect only the fills listed in each post.
If anything has been missed, mangled, or misrepresented, please feel free to comment with corrections.