
Oct 18, 2009 11:44

There was a thunder and lightning storm yesterday--it was delightful. I sat in my room watching and listening and fell into a beautiful slumber.

I had a neat dream, too.

I am at some sort of a compound, and i am hiding. There is a group of people iwth me, in a very old, large room full of books and different artifacts.
we talk about the "others" who have come to change us, how we can get out of here without them noticing. A few of us at a time will leave the room and ride on bikes to different "sanctuaries" where we check up on small populations of our kind.
I am very afraid someone will steal my bike when I leave it outside.
There is a movement, all of us come out at night, and get everything we need together  the others have come and are fighting us, trying to make us stay, but we do not.

We are all gone and driving now. We stop at a bathroom and I go to the sink. I begin to cough, and a thick green slime comes out. it pours out like a torrent, and now is sand.  I am weeping dark sand into the sink, filling it. It  spills onto the floor and I try to stop.
I do, but I feel like it will come out again if I try to make it.
I return to my group outside and the give me worried looks, I tell them I am ok.

now we are in an arid place, I was with a group of people  traveling somewhere with all of our belongings and some boats. They were awful drivers, and kept getting lost on the way. One of the m offered me a kayak in exchange for the inconvenience, which I accepted.

We arrived at a cliffside beach. The swell of the ocean was huge, and there were lots of people there. Someone asked me if I would like to go surfing, and proffered what looked like a really long surfboard fashioned out of some sort of buoyant flexible hairy grey material.

I was a little uncertain about the device, but I saw other people using them on the waves, so I decided to give it a try.

the sun was very bright, and I could see that the beach was a steep slope of sand coming from a forest. Erosion had left little projections of sandstone jutting out from beneath the sand in some of the steeper parts, and the whole beach rose into a cliff off to my left. There was a large sea-cave on the other side that I could see, and I felt that it would be dangerous to venture near it.

The city was beyond the cliff as well, and I could barely make out the tops and shiloettes of the buildings. I turned towards the ocean, floating on my strange rubbery board, and swam through a few waves to get to the place that I saw others setting themselves to catch the swells.
I have never gone surfing before, and so I was pretty nervous. I tried once or twice, failing, but then I managed to get one and ride it to shore. it was exhilarating, I could feel the foam of the waves all over me and the torque of my "board" under my feet. when I got to shore my group applauded me and showed me a place that surfers were jumping off of cliffs to catch really "gnarly" waves. They thought I could handle it, apparently.
I am standing on the cliff now, looking down, the gape of the sea cave stretches  out its dark maw, about 1000 feet down on my right.
straight down I can see that the water is very deep, and waves are sloshing about in awierd undulating pattern, not like real waves, mroe like giant hills of water.
My friends are behind me, and urge me to jump. I do not have my board anymore, but i jump. I fall for a very long time, and when I hit the water, my body plunges about 70 feet down.

I come to at the bottom, and it is very dark. Strangely, I need no air. I see in front of me a complete sunken house, I near it and see that the mantle of the door is encrusted with barnacles and young seaweed. I enter, half walking, half swimming. I go up a set of stairs, and look at the remnants of habitation--a dresser, some chairs, all of the rooms now full of water and sea life.

AS I begin to go doen the stairs, a scuba diver comes insie, and finds me--is very startled that I am alive and "breathing" and promptly gets the hell away from me.

I leave the house, and let the current pull me to the shores of the city, a few miles (north?) away.
There is a festival--Peoplehere seem very strange--a woman in a dress suit walks over the water from one bulding to the next, and may houses/business are boats. there are many submerged houses in the area that I can see from the surface.

The festival is a harvest festival, and there are tables all along one street. I want to buy something, and look for a bank of america.
at this point, it seems that to me there is very little gravity. I can jump from once house and glide to the next . I eventually walk down a boardwalk and seee the "bank of america" boat nestled nestled among some others. I bounce over a large expanse of water and some boats, and come gently down on the deck. the teller is a huge, richly clothed and bejeweled duck-person, and they bow and hand me y money.
I return to the street fair, now not really wanting anything. the sun shines very strong and the ocean glimmers all over everything.
I feel very serene.

I woke up feeling pretty awesome.
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