Mon, 06:09: RT @ ThomasWillett9: JK Rowling has become a fountain of misinformation, transphobia and increasingly homophobia. The hand around Posie Par…
Thu, 11:14: RT @ Changeling_1: It REALLY started when the Nazis started singling out a minority group & telling everyone else that they were the reason…
Thu, 07:57: RT @ implausibleblog: 2023: Helen Whately says we didn't know about asymptomatic transmission 2020: Matt Hancock talks about asymptomatic t…
Sun, 08:37: RT @ ProfDaveAndress: Every doctor, every biologist, everyone with any grasp of antibiotic resistance and its development, just clutching th…
Sat, 11:22: RT @ RSPBEngland: What the Government has proposed in today’s mini-budget on top of yesterday’s announcements potentially tears up the most…
Tue, 09:01: RT @ MadelaineLucyH: I'm going to try and explain this because I think a lot of blokes don't get (thanks anti-feminist propaganda) why women…