reena_jenkins made a podfic of Shell Shock, which you can find
here! It was her 100th podfic in her (only!) 9 months of podficcing. IT IS HER GESTATION PODFIC, YO. This happens to be the first time a fic of mine has ever been podficced by someone other than myself, so IT IS ALL SO EXCITING FOR ME. *___*
She is also posting about her (pretty much daily!) amplificathon offerings, so if you think you might be interested in reading about that you should go to her journal! All sorts of fandoms are represented, I bet there's something for everyone!
help_japan I bid on a fanmix by
boywonder, who not only made an
Inception, Arthur/Eames fanmix for me, but also a
Tim/Kon one (HOW. ADORABLE. IS THAT ART.)! The Tim/Kon one is even part of a larger, three part fanmix (links are in the post!), and I am soooooo excited to listen to it because I love love too good to feel this way and MUSIC and BOYS IN LOVE and BASICALLY IT CAN ONLY BE AWESOME.
I am going to try to come up with coherent feedback for him, but I hope allcaps flailing is acceptable? :D?
I was in Chicago this past weekend, where I hung out with
general_jinjur, did NOT get lost traveling the city (TO/FROM THE AIRPORT, ALONE, ON TRAINS), visited the art museum, and had dinner with
celli! Jinjur and I also watched the Doctor Who season premiere (YOU GUYS WE DID NOT KNOW IT WAS A TWO PARTER, SO IT WAS BOTH AMAZING AND TERRIBLE. MOSTLY AMAZING THOUGH.) and talked about eyeshadow and...I guess some other stuff? OH, WE GOT CAUGHT IN THE RAIN (SADLY THERE WERE NO PINA COLADAS :( OR A DECENT UMBRELLA)?
OH YEAH and also we saw Arcade Fire in concert! :DDDDDDDDD THEY WERE SO AMAZING, I WOULD SEE THEM PERFORM EVERY NIGHT IF I COULD. I think E is right and that I should totally be their roadie and travel all over the world with them DAY AFTER DAY AFTER GLORIOUS DAY. *____*
The Pokemon themed eyeshadow I ordered arrived while I was gone! Today
I wore Rapidash. The lighting in my apartment is still shit and I am a very bad photographer so I'm very sorry that the picture is pretty terrible, but I am in it so really WHAT, YOU ARE EXPECTING SOMETHING DECENT?
True story:
JC: What kind of Pokemon is Rapidash?
Me: A fiery horse! ...Is it sad that I know that off the top of my head?
JC: ...No?
Me: ...That's what I thought.
HERE IS ANOTHER PICTURE THAT I AM IN, but this time instead of eyeshadow allow me to bring your attention to
pennyplainknits MADE FOR ME!
I wore them last night and today at work and I've gotten lots of compliments on them, especially once I explain that they were HANDMADE FOR ME by my buddy who is awesome (people always find handmade things even more impressive!), and my boss asked me if Penny makes other crafty things and I told her about how Penny bakes things that always look so delicious and my boss suggested that I pay her to make my meals. >.> IDK IF THAT IS SOME COMMENTARY ON MY SHITTY COOKING OR WHAT but if we were not on different continents I probably WOULD commission some baking, especially now that Penny has a stand mixer so OBVIOUSLY THIS MEANS THAT SHE CAN BAKE FASTER NOW so I wouldn't feel as if I were putting her out or anything, hahaha. OM NOM NOM FOOD.
The election polls are really depressing. I think that those of us who a) do not want to be ruled by a kitten-eating robot, b) do not want our government to spend 29 billion tax payer dollars on FIGHTER JETS THAT WE DON'T EVEN NEED, and/or c) do not like the colour blue, should distribute flyers based on
these websites so that we can snap the poor mind-controlled masses out of Harper's creepy eye beams of doom!
You guys, that emotional turmoil in my personal life that I vaguely alluded to the other day is approaching its critical mass, I think. JC asked me about it, sort of, and I couldn't even reply to her email because I became frozen at my desk with all of these FEELINGS that I don't even know what to do with (they are stupid and immature and unexpected and ARGH) and can't even put them into words because it seems like the entire situation is impossible to explain -- not the basics, not even the background -- and it's like a giant chasm opening under my feet and I don't have wings and there is no one there to catch me when gravity wins.
I guess I will just work harder at pretending that I'm a robot instead of a once-girl, and try to stop hating the fact that my emotions are always immature/ugly/fucked up, because no matter what I do or how I change for the better those emotions never do and always disgust me.
...and I'll be going for training again at the end of next month. Oh joy.
cross-posted from dreamwidth, please
comment over there. existing comments: