Mod Post

Jan 29, 2012 16:19

Okay guys, so first off I need to make a big apology to you.  I took on the duty of modding this community because the prior mods went MIA... and then I went MIA for a few months.  I've had a few big family problems come up that kept me away, but I have no excuses for not keeping you guys up to date on my vanishing act.  For this I am deeply sorry for failing you all.  I love this DR dearly, and the last thing I want to do is disappoint the people I've had so many good memories with.

I am back now, though I'm not sure how active I'll be able to be, I still have a lot of personal things going on.  I've appointed haltedshowers as a mod to help me out.  Make sure to thank her for helping me pick up the slack!  Not that you guys need much moderation.  You've always been wonderful.

My last order of business is a matter of where you guys want to play.  LJ is, obviously, not really willing to cater to it's roleplaying community any longer.  So I've made a poll here.  I'll be more then happy to move the community to another place if that's what you guys want, InsaneJournal and Dreamwidth seem to be the popular choices.  Or if the majority of you wish to see the community stay here on Livejournal then I'll do what I can to make it a little easier on the eyes.

There's a poll here, so it'll help if you check off what you want!

Poll Moving Time?


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