Glory to the fatherland that knew how to follow the blue of the sea to walk to the sun

May 04, 2011 03:08

Spain doesn't hang around HQ lately. It's a lot of work being a soverign nation still there's a place he likes to go to remind him that it's all worth while. It's a room he found quite a while back in the middle of a hallway. Inside it's ordinary looking, like a common sitting room. There's a rug and a coffee table with a number of nice looking ( Read more... )


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....gdi I am dying of curiousity. gewehrundblut May 5 2011, 00:20:37 UTC
He peers into the room, curiously. The scent of tea had been wafting out into the hallway, and he couldn't help but wonder if perhaps there were an England he could pester waiting behind the door. There are few people he enjoys bothering more at his point in time than England. Austria is one, so even an Austria would be pretty awesome.

Except, it's Spain. Ah, well, he does like Spain. Doesn't really get to deal with him much, being on the opposite side of the continent, but he does like Spain. "Didn't take you for the tea drinking sort, Spanien."


reino_de_espana May 5 2011, 04:57:53 UTC
"Ah, this is a special tea only for countries." He tells him, "Sometimes when the stress of work seems overwhelming it calms me down."


gewehrundblut May 5 2011, 05:02:39 UTC
"I've never heard of such a thing. Sounds like some shit England would say." Still... dealing with the aftermath of the Seventh Coalition is rather stressful, and he has to admit that he rarely sees England calmer than when he's drinking tea. So he is sort of tempted, but he's far too awesome to actually admit he wants to try this tea.


reino_de_espana May 5 2011, 05:05:25 UTC
"It seems to be a new thing from my world. This particular blend is from 2011 so you probably shouldn't drink it until you're strong enough." He tells him, "I drink it to stay connected to my children even though I'm so far away from them."


gewehrundblut May 5 2011, 05:14:18 UTC
"Whaddya mean, I need to wait until I'm strong enough? I'm plenty strong already! Like some stupid tea could take the awesome me down!"

Really, of all nations, Spain should be on the list of those who should know better than to insinuate that Prussia is weak in any way. Even if it's actually a valid concern. Now Prussia isn't just curious about the tea, he will likely go to any length to drink some.


reino_de_espana May 5 2011, 05:17:21 UTC
That's not...

"Prusia many years have passed since you last wore those clothes. A lot of the memories the tea can bring up can be painful as well as joyful. I wouldn't want it to give you more than you can handle." He is truly concerned for him.


gewehrundblut May 5 2011, 05:27:09 UTC
He crosses his arms and leans against the door frame. "Yeah, yeah, 2011 or some shit. It's only..." doing the math now, "two centuries, less four years. I think I can handle that. Besides, if it's just memories, then there's no reason to worry! All my memories are pretty fucking amazing~"


reino_de_espana May 5 2011, 05:29:56 UTC
"Well, if your sure you'll be okay..." He goes to get Prussia a teacup so he can poor some into the glass.

"Please, have a seat."


Ah, what happens if they can't handle the tea? gewehrundblut May 5 2011, 05:45:04 UTC
"Now you're talking." He strides over to the table, settling into one of the chairs looking almost impossibly smug. He knew Spain would see it his way in the end. It's just some tea; how bad could it be?


Probably a psychological breakdown, I'd let you decide. reino_de_espana May 5 2011, 06:00:27 UTC
It really all depends on the person. Can Prussia stand to see his people drawn into war, broken into poverty of the depression, his brother's fall into the Nazi era along with his involvement in the Holocaust? How Russia had torn them apart and kept them separated with the wall only to be one day unified as the East and Western representations of Germany?

If this all can be over come there will be a faint singing, a singing of a people yet to be born to Prussia but are undeniably his.

Unity and justice and freedom
are the pledge of fortune.
Flourish in this fortune's blessing
Flourish, Prussian fatherland!

There will be a swelling of pride: proud to be east German, proud to be decended of Prussians and Teutonic Knights. Through it all they know their personification and they love him.

Spain sets the cup before Prussia still worried, "Are you ready?"


Ahh, he'll have a nervous breakdown, methinks. gewehrundblut May 5 2011, 06:17:37 UTC
((ooc: Prussia is not viewed favourably in modern Germany, so......... :;cough:: it's really accurate that modern Prussia lives in Germany's basement.))

"It's just tea, Spain. Geez, are you sure you're not turning into England? I think your eyebrows are looking a bit bushier." To be perfectly, entirely honest, all of Spain's concern does worry him a little, very deep down where even he won't quite admit it to himself, because it's never been like the Spain he knows to worry needlessly. Still, he can't very well back down now, even if he stares at the cup for a long moment before picking it up.

There is a moment's hesitation, where he holds the rim to his lips but doesn't tilt it to sip, before he mumbles something to the effect of 'es ist Tee, Gottverdammt' and takes a large gulp, ignoring the heat.

The effect is immediate, if how he goes utterly rigid is any indication. His grip on the cup shudders, and he makes a jerky, inattentive motion to put it back on the table, barely balancing it on the edge before all but yanking his hand


reino_de_espana May 5 2011, 06:22:17 UTC
((OOC: My sister's friend is spending a year in Prussia and some cultural pride for him is slowly starting to grow. Well, as much as Germans can feel for anymore.))

"Prusia? Prusia?" The cup is forgotten and right now he's more focused on the country in front of him. "Are you okay? Please, say something!"


...feeling so cliché right now.. gewehrundblut May 5 2011, 06:43:44 UTC
((ooc: It's about time! I'm kind of going by what I know from my history books and relatives who have lived in Germany, so my knowledge maaaay be a little out of date. ^^;;;; ))

"...make it stop..." He curls forward, eyes widened, though his pupils have narrowed to barely more than pinpricks. It's far too much, two hundred centuries of things he knows nothing about, beating on his mind like that. Especially feeling the undercurrent for a noticeable portion of it of, if not outright hatred, a cultural urge to just lump him in with everything else shameful and undesirable about the past, which hurts on a very visceral level. "...make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop." Though the volume steadily increases, his tone never quite leaves the odd mélange of wounded, scared child and utterly flat it has taken on ( ... )


reino_de_espana May 5 2011, 06:56:38 UTC
((OOC: From what I understnad it's not something that's shared with outsiders and it's a relatively new thing with teenagers.))

Spain just holds him to keep him from hurting himself. England is right, he IS an idiot. Look at what he's done to Prussia!

"It's alright, it's okay. Everything is going to be fine, amigo."


gewehrundblut May 5 2011, 07:01:10 UTC
((ooc: It all becomes clear now. XD ))

He's clutching at Spain's arms, trying to pull him off, shove him away, do something other than just sit here and take what's happening in his head because it's agony and he can't find words other than a repeated babble of the same three words from before. When he does find more words, it will just be a denial, over and over, switching between German and English with neither rhyme nor reason to it.

Really, though, Spain should not blame himself. Prussia would have had that tea no matter what.


reino_de_espana May 5 2011, 07:03:40 UTC
It's much like when Romano had his tantrums, all one could do was hold on and hope for the best. He knows a little German and tries to soothe Prussia in that language. After all, he himself would prefer kind words in Spanish.

"It's over now. It's all in the past."


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