Glory to the fatherland that knew how to follow the blue of the sea to walk to the sun

May 04, 2011 03:08

Spain doesn't hang around HQ lately. It's a lot of work being a soverign nation still there's a place he likes to go to remind him that it's all worth while. It's a room he found quite a while back in the middle of a hallway. Inside it's ordinary looking, like a common sitting room. There's a rug and a coffee table with a number of nice looking ( Read more... )


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...feeling so cliché right now.. gewehrundblut May 5 2011, 06:43:44 UTC
((ooc: It's about time! I'm kind of going by what I know from my history books and relatives who have lived in Germany, so my knowledge maaaay be a little out of date. ^^;;;; ))

"...make it stop..." He curls forward, eyes widened, though his pupils have narrowed to barely more than pinpricks. It's far too much, two hundred centuries of things he knows nothing about, beating on his mind like that. Especially feeling the undercurrent for a noticeable portion of it of, if not outright hatred, a cultural urge to just lump him in with everything else shameful and undesirable about the past, which hurts on a very visceral level. "...make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop." Though the volume steadily increases, his tone never quite leaves the odd mélange of wounded, scared child and utterly flat it has taken on.

It's the genocide, really, that draws his attention; never mind war or poverty or subjugation. He's familiar enough with those over the centuries. Perhaps not being the subjugated, but it's nothing new under the moon to him. No, that entire decade there; it horrifies him like little else can. (Though, he can't say he's so fond of being dissolved twice. That shit is not fair and when he recovers from this, he will be bitching up a storm.) Especially his own involvement.


reino_de_espana May 5 2011, 06:56:38 UTC
((OOC: From what I understnad it's not something that's shared with outsiders and it's a relatively new thing with teenagers.))

Spain just holds him to keep him from hurting himself. England is right, he IS an idiot. Look at what he's done to Prussia!

"It's alright, it's okay. Everything is going to be fine, amigo."


gewehrundblut May 5 2011, 07:01:10 UTC
((ooc: It all becomes clear now. XD ))

He's clutching at Spain's arms, trying to pull him off, shove him away, do something other than just sit here and take what's happening in his head because it's agony and he can't find words other than a repeated babble of the same three words from before. When he does find more words, it will just be a denial, over and over, switching between German and English with neither rhyme nor reason to it.

Really, though, Spain should not blame himself. Prussia would have had that tea no matter what.


reino_de_espana May 5 2011, 07:03:40 UTC
It's much like when Romano had his tantrums, all one could do was hold on and hope for the best. He knows a little German and tries to soothe Prussia in that language. After all, he himself would prefer kind words in Spanish.

"It's over now. It's all in the past."


gewehrundblut May 5 2011, 07:09:28 UTC
He presses his forehead hard agaist Spain's shoulder, whinging softly, the frantic movements finally, slowly tapering into stillness. Though his ability to speak in just one language has yet to return to him, if the fact that one of those pained nos was definitely in French is any indication.

Though even that comes to an end, and for a long moment he's silent.


reino_de_espana May 5 2011, 07:33:45 UTC
"It is easier once you have delt with the history. You can hear your children's voices, how they love you. That's why I drink it, to remember why I work so hard." He tells him, "They are proud of you, Prussia. In the end, in their own way, they love you very much. In that time you became the eastern half of Germany, the way the two Italians are both Italy."


gewehrundblut May 5 2011, 07:40:52 UTC
"...but I like being Prussia......" He's figured out the whole one language commonly understood thing, now, to just string some more coherent and less childish thoughts together. A deep breath, which makes him shudder, and then he speaks once more.

"..h-hey Spain..."


reino_de_espana May 5 2011, 07:42:36 UTC
"Hmmm?" Spains replies to show that he is listening.


...that icon is so cute omg... gewehrundblut May 5 2011, 07:48:29 UTC
He lifts his head from Spain's shoulder to eye him blearily. "If I ever get such a fucking stupid idea again and you help me with it I WILL PERSONALLY BEAT YOU WITH YOUR OWN SPINE IF I CAN FIND IT." Why yes, he did just call Spain spineless for giving in to his stupid idea so readily, and no, he's still not feeling all right. He imagines it will be a while to really accept all that information and deal with it.

Still, proof positive that he's still out of sorts is how, if Spain hasn't pulled away, he's dropping his head back down and mumbling now. "Sorry for yelling in your ear..." He is; no one should have him yell in their ear except maybe on a battlefield when there is a cavalry charge coming right at them and the other person won't move their arse, but otherwise, no. No one should have him yell so nearby.


reino_de_espana May 5 2011, 07:57:06 UTC
Spain flinches but doesn't move away.

"Sorry for being spineless." He murmurs. Spain should've known better being more well aquainted with the tea's properties.


gewehrundblut May 5 2011, 08:01:55 UTC
"It's okay... I'd've tried drinking some anyways..." Awkward patting on back goes here? He sits up shakily, though now he eyes the cup of tea as though it were poison. "Just where the Hell d'you find that shit anyways?"


reino_de_espana May 5 2011, 08:06:51 UTC
"It's something that's always been in my world and specifically aligned to my time." He tells him before shrugging, "Yet a lot of things are different in my world some countries I've met actually have human names!"


gewehrundblut May 5 2011, 08:11:04 UTC
He kind of perks up at that, curiousity piqued. It's something to distract him from the thoughts circling around his head, at any rate, and he kind of welcomes any variety of distraction. "How is that weird? I have a human name..." Blinks curiously. Unless by that this Spain means they don't have a nation name? But that makes no sense to him...


reino_de_espana May 5 2011, 08:19:06 UTC
"But why? I mean, I've never been called Antonio before I came to this place. I've always been called Espana or Hispania or some version of that. That's my only name so why would someone give me another?"

It honestly confuses him but then again a lot honestly confuses him.


gewehrundblut May 5 2011, 08:28:45 UTC
Oh, see, this is how his brain is still broken, because he didn't realise it was abnormal for this Spain to hear human names. "Uh... I... that's an excellent question?" Well, he wanted a distraction, and now he has one, because he's going to be pondering this one. "Um... It's not something I've ever thought about. 'Cause I've always had one and everyone I really talk to has them..." He rubs the back of his neck as he thinks.

Then he snorts. "My knights were the ones who gave me my first name. I don't blame them. At that point in time my name was otherwise bigger than I was. I mean, which is gonna come off your tongue easier: Orden der Brüder vom Deutschen Haus St. Mariens in Jerusalem or Gilbert?"


reino_de_espana May 5 2011, 08:35:23 UTC
"Orden der Bruder vom D-...vom Deutscho...vom D-" He gives up after a while. That is a little tough on the tongue.

"Hmmm, I can see how that can be a problem...the longest title I ever had was La República Española. How far back can you remember?"


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