"Backup, what are you doing?" The added voice is that of a girl's -- around 18, west coast American. If you're Munch, you could probably get all that from a voice.
He is, though. He has this thing where he doesn't know how to listen.
He hears footsteps in the distance, and quickly identifies them as a person's footsteps - thankfully.
He continues to listen, straining his ears as the sound draws closer. He doesn't recognize the footsteps. Whoever it is is walking erratically, back and forth. Lost. Confused.
Once the steps draw close enough, Monk peers out from his little hiding spot.
Comments 17
Backup does his best to do his guard dog job well.
"Hello? Anybody home?"
"Backup, what are you doing?" The added voice is that of a girl's -- around 18, west coast American. If you're Munch, you could probably get all that from a voice.
Bark, insists Backup.
"-- Someone over there?"
"Yes!" Munch called again, hearing a young woman's voice on the other side. He didn't care if she was talking to him or to the dog.
Monk really shouldn't be, you know, out walking.
He is, though. He has this thing where he doesn't know how to listen.
He hears footsteps in the distance, and quickly identifies them as a person's footsteps - thankfully.
He continues to listen, straining his ears as the sound draws closer. He doesn't recognize the footsteps. Whoever it is is walking erratically, back and forth. Lost. Confused.
Once the steps draw close enough, Monk peers out from his little hiding spot.
New arrival. Just as he thought.
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