(no subject)

Apr 01, 2006 21:32

There is a pop, a swish, and suddenly, there is a boy, in front of the complex. He's dressed in your typical British scool boy outfit, dark blue blazer and shorts, white t-shirt, blue tie. Adnd he's looking kind of sad, poor kid. Life where he was had just started going to hell, and now this?


He spins taking everything in, and not finding it happy.

"Right, remember what Curry said. Concentrate, focus..."

His glasses seem to tint a rosy shade of red as he studies the Complex.

"Yup, that's magic."

Now if only Thomas had told him how to tell what kind of spells they are! Ah, to heck with this, try the direct approach. A pound pound pound on the gate.

And hope like hell there's no pink dinosaurs.

hellboy, tim hunter

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