Title: Untitled
Pairing(s): Whatever happens, happens.
Rating: up to PG13.
Summary: There’s a World Meeting today. Sweden arrives a bit early, and hears an unidentified (read: hasn’t posted yet XD ) someone or some ones in the vending machine area (because what meeting building wouldn’t have vending machines for those nations who are far too
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Germany as usual had been one of the first ones at the World Meeting-Building. He knew by now, that the last ones would always arrive one hour late, but he just couldn't bring himself to be "just on time".
But since he already had gone through his papers several times, everything was perfectly prepared and organized and he even had done the biggest part of Italy's work, too, he found himself bored and with nothing to do.
He contemplated going through his documents for the n-th time. However, it would be really just a waste of time, so he quickly decided against it.
Setting for walking around a bit before he would be stuck in a useless, loud, stuffy, long meeting once more he just walked around randomly. Until he saw the vending machines. Nobody would see it, if he just sat down and ate something for a few minutes. His choice fell on a can of black coffee -no problem- and a BiFi.
It ended in him shouting german curses at the machine though. The damn machine just ate his money and that was it. Nothing came out. He had read the instructions carefully and followed in every detail. So why the hell did his BiFi not come out?
[[BiFi is a kind of German snack with a certain wurst and hotdogbread (cold!)wrapped around it. It tastes terrible, imo >_<"]]
"M'rning G'rmany. 's th' m'chine n't w'rking?"
Sweden decides that vending machine food is more solid than coffee, and so will count as breakfast when Finland asks him if he's eaten.
He examines the machine and finds a breakfast sandwich that looks like a possibility, before looking back at Germany.
"Good Morning.", he took a moment to think about the rest the man had said.
"yes, seems like it's broken. I would recommend using the other one, if you want something."
Germany gave up his money and tunred completely to Sweden. "You're early", he simply stated.
Sweden turned to the other vending machine, and began to feed krona into the machine. He selected the breakfast sandwich.
*whirrr* *click* *CRUNCH*
Apparently this vending machine is broken too.
Sweden watched the breakfast sandwich dangle from its rack in the vending machine.
He thought for a moment and studied the vending machine; then knelt on the ground and reached up into the vending machine. He grabbed the sandwich and began to pull it out.
Unfortunately, his arm got stuck.
He came out from the washroom, feeling all so refreshed and relieved until he had finally spotted Germany and Sweden. He flushed, tormenting that the two nations had seen his antics -dashing into the washroom-....
This thought was quickly swept away though when he realised the situation where Sweden's arm got stuck in the vending machine...
"...o_O What's going on here?"
He wasn't surprised to see the other one near the washrooms...at least someone had the decency to go before the meeting instead of disturbing everybody during it. Not that it would change much, but...with these guys you had to be happy about small things already.
He turned back to the problem at hand and kneeled down next to Sweden. "uhm...maybe if you try to slacken your joints, it'll come out?"
Sweden looked up at Germany and Switzerland and sighed. "Now wh't?"
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