Before the World Meeting.

Nov 14, 2009 13:10

Title: Untitled
Pairing(s): Whatever happens, happens.
Rating: up to PG13.
Summary: There’s a World Meeting today. Sweden arrives a bit early, and hears an unidentified (read: hasn’t posted yet XD ) someone or some ones in the vending machine area (because what meeting building wouldn’t have vending machines for those nations who are far too busy to go eat?).

Sweden arrived for the World Meeting early. He glanced into the empty meeting room, put his papers and briefcase down at his seat, making sure to drape his coat over a neighboring chair for Finland; Sweden, feeling hungry, walked downstairs to the cafeteria to see if he could find something more solid than coffee. As he passed the hallway leading to the vending machines he heard loud noises, and paused in his search for food to check it out.

[Tries to come up with non-fail topic that’s different than the club… and whoever replies can either use the vending machines or not, I just put them there to widen the range of possible interesting situations.]
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