The only way is bribery

Apr 28, 2016 12:25

So I have a plan for the remainder of spring. I want to get fit and, knowing I'm not much of a self-starter, I've decided to bribe myself with a marriage of entertainment and torture.

About two years ago, I got super busy with work and decided, in order to free up more of my time and be productive, I'd stop watching almost all the TV shows I was stuffing into my hours and save them for later. If I needed to watch something, I'd watch short content on youtube (like Mental Floss and other infotainment channels) as those were the kind of things I could put on while doing something useful while. I started listening to NPR programs while cleaning or driving and, in a lot of ways, I think it's made me more of a productive girl, maybe even a deeper thinker, full of the general sprit of get-shit-done. But it's also made me a bit less imaginitive. Like when I try to write on my long-suffering fics, I come up blank.

I mean, I can do reviews and analysis or edit together vids, things with structure and a clear process or order, but the creative juices aren't flowing as far as anything fictional and my confidence is a little low.

So I've decided to let TV back into my life, but with a catch: I can only watch it on the treadmill. I was going to buy a cheap or used one myself, but I don't have much space and I still haven't finished my floors, though I did buy vinyl planks, so I'm ready, once I repair the concrete.

Anyway, Uncle Mike and I have decided to go in on one together to be kept at his house It won't be as good as having one in my place, but he's just three miles away, which is like nothing with our roads, so I'm hoping the lure of TV will help get me going on a daily basis.

And I have a whole list of shows saved for it. I just don't know what first. I'm thinking Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (I have friends bugging me) or season 2 of Fargo (I loved the first) or finally finishing Mad Men or, come to think of it, I never watched the final season of Six Feet Under back in the day, but I'd maybe have to rewatch just to get back into it. Then there's The Walking Dead. I last left off with Andrea dead after the Governor business. I barely know how if it's 2 or 3 seasons that I'm behind.

I don't know if this will get my fic juices flowing, but at the very least, getting some exercise in is never a bad thing.

If you're inclined, let me know which of the shows above should take priority or if you think something else entirely would lend itself to treadmill time. I personally think Walking Dead might get the most burn out of me, with all the DANGER. But you never know. 

real life, health, writing

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