I liiiiiiivvvvvvve!

Sep 29, 2015 13:50

So. It's been a while and there are lots and lots of reasons for that. But first, I have important business!

I will be in Philly, outside travel days/jetlag allowance, from October 5th to October 16th. So how about it, Philly friends? Who wants to plan a brunch/lunch/dinner/karaoke/any damned thing meeting? I can likely drive or take the train in to Philly. I'd love to see your pretty faces!

Outside the 10th (where my aunts have booked me for a game night), I have a pretty open schedule. :)

Outside of that, hi! I feel like I've barely posted since the whole Aunt Monica thing went down and I think it's just because all I'd be doing is whining about my family's various dramatic escapades and my vain attempts to have relationships with difficult people and I just didn't want to have to explain it. So I won't. Maybe at some point, if I need to vent, but not now.

I'm good besides that. Work is busy. I now have four restaurants and four senior homes. Outside of party gigs, I'm working steadily. I spend most of my time prepping for them or writing. The writing is not fic, sadly.

I don't know what it is, but every time I sit down to write on any of the stories, I can't make my mind settle enough to do it. It makes me feel guilty because I know I've over-promised and under-delievered and I WILL finish each and every one. I just need time and a clear head. It seems to take weeks, in fits and starts, to get any progress. I'm just having trouble fitting it into my day.

Reviews and recaps seem to come easier to me than anything that involves plotting these days. I don't know.

I got hired by a county magazine that a friend works for. She showed them some of my stuff for Legendary Women and they hired me for light entertainment coverage on a freelance basis. So there's that. The pay isn't spectacular, but it's nice to be paid to write.

I have been pretty consistent with Legendary Women stuff. I recapped all of Parks and Rec through the winter until it ended, then Game of Thrones when it aired, then a pretty awesome film festival over the summer, and now I'm covering ALL THE X-FILES in a mad rush to catch up before the miniseries gives me Mulder and Scully again. If you're curious about any of that, it's all here:


As for X-files, I'm posting every Friday and trying to do half-a-season a week. It's definitely interesting, since I've only rewatched certain episodes in the years since the end, so a lot of this feels almost new, but it's a lot to watch and recap. I wish I'd started back in July when the rest of the world did.

I did videos for both Secret Chlark and Secret Chlex because I'm definitely not going to write any fic until the WIPs I have are complete. I still have to read and comment on all the other works in both of those exchanges. I'm just so behind. I figure I'll just try to get caught up, a little each day, and see where I am by November.

Oh, yeah. I'm doing Nanowrimo this year after resolving to do it every other year, then never following through. I have no idea how this is going to go. But I hope getting something original out of myself, starting and completing in a month, whether it's any good or not, will give me some mental tools to help me take a step back and complete my fic.

We'll see. Wish me luck.

Now I'm off to catch up on all your doings, at least as far as the flist feed will let me go back. :)

real life, bitching, family, writing

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