I Live. For Real This Time

Jul 06, 2015 15:06

So I've been avoiding LJ like crazy because life has got me so behind on everything that I barely know where to start.

I definitely wanted to get a fic update in before I dared show my face in these parts. Now that I've finally done that (hopefully with more to follow very quickly - Tobes and I are making deals to keep each other on track).

When I last left off, I was on what was supposed to be a vacation and turned into a funeral and a mess. I never did get to meet up with any of my lj friends.

It was a terrible "vacation." I spent the entire time rushing to see family (with the very morbid idea that we can all die very suddenly after Aunt Monica surprised us by not seeing us all in our graves like I'd always predicted). Then I was scanning in pictures, both from Aunt Monica and from my dad's water-damaged collection. Then I was on the phone constantly with drama.

I won't go into it just yet. Suffice it to say there was an insane amount of drama with another aunt who made sure to make this entire process as much about her as humanly possible while crushing everyone else with her words. Yeah. There's more to it than that. I'm not speaking to her and that's not something I take lightly and I may want to vent at some point, but not right now.

One weird thing I've noticed that I do since the family deaths started coming in 2006 is that I'm obsessed with saving voicemails in case people die so I can hear their voice. I know it's morbid, but I can't stop myself. I even back them up to email if they're particularly pleasant because I know I might want it later.

The one thing that was oddly nice was the weather. It was cold and snowy, but I barely felt it and even regretted taking up space with a coat. Maybe it's just because the cold in PA was different than the cold here. We usually get our cold off the ocean and it comes with fog and damp. Outside the snow, it's a nice dry cold in PA and I found it all very brisk and refreshing and barely wore more than a light sweater. My stepmum was very annoyed that I was walking around like I was "at a garden party" most of the time. Just couldn't help it.

Anyway, once I got home, things really picked up with work. I now have four restaurants I sing at and four senior homes. Besides parties on the side, they've kept me very busy. I've only been to Laguna for busking once since the new year and that was only because I signed up for a music festival. I do want to try to squeeze in Laguna once a week when things settle down. Generally, that part of my life is going well and I feel financially secure this year in ways I never did in previous years. So yay for that.

I also upped my involvement with Legendary Women, trying to be consistent with recaps and content every week. I think, now that I have that and work under control, I just have to add in fic finishing and, hopefully, starting on only writing original content in November with Nanowrimo. That's where I am!

I'll be back (along with another fic update) by next week and will catch up with all your entries (as far as I can reach back) and with all the secret Chlex stories in the meantime. :)

So behind!!!!

real life, singing, family, writing

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