Restless Nights - Chapter 14/20

Jan 07, 2014 15:53

Title: Restless Nights
Author: apeygirl
Pairings: Chlark, some Chlavis
POV: Chloe, occasional Tess
Rating: R
Warnings: angst, violence, some sex, some uncomfortable themes
Spoilers: Dealing directly with Doomsday at first, then going AU
Short summary: Chloe's attempt to escape with and subdue Davis has lasting consequences that threaten to tear lives and friendships apart.
In the end, it was just her, the only thing between the Beast and the world outside.
Thanks To: legendarytobes for her beta services and Bkwurm1 for the art.

Chapter Notes:

I'm just so happy to be updating at a faster pace.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen (new)

Reviews would be lovely.

fic, smallville, chlavis, chlark, chlark fic, fanfic, fandom, art

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