Just a wee catch-up with pics

Jan 06, 2014 20:07

I'm sick again (whhyyyy?) and still playing catch-up with life now that my busy season has ended and thought I'd pop in and post some pics (even though I'm the worst photographer ever) I keep meaning to share here. Like all the food I cooked at Thanksgiving for just me and Uncle Mike:

And that wasn't even all of it! That was just what I set out on the table. Needless to say, we had food for days after and even more turkey in the freezer (which I made into Turkey Tikka Masala and it was delicious). As much as I was all "why do all that for just us?" I do like cooking, so I really should stop bellyaching when the crowd is light. It's just the price I pay for living away from my giant Pennsylvania family.

Now, I've already talked enough about how busy I was at Christmas in this post. And it's all been fun. But one thing I kind of regret is not taking more pictures. I did some swanky parties and, as you can imagine, some of these houses are a sight to see when all decked out for Christmas. I'm just always too busy setting up and warming up, also it feels awkward, taking pics of someone's home. But there was one where I got there way earlier than I needed to and, since other people were already taking pics with the Newport Boat Show happening, I felt free to whip out my phone.

An infinity pool looking over the harbor.

Same thing, better angle:

The tables all set in their downstairs rec area (this house had four floors and an elevator).

Staircase complete with waterfall:

I loved their lit bar. Sooo cool:

I had to take a pic of the big shrimp in shot-glasses and the roasted veggies on sticks in case I ever throw a fancy dinner. I see so many cool ideas at these parties and one day I will use them all:

Following are my best attempts at getting my camera to focus on lit. moving boats when the boat show started:

Sad, I know. That last one was so cool, too. It was this winding dragon and I could not get it to come in clear, but you get the idea.

And here's the tree at Uncle Mike's. I don't decorate at my place as it's tiny and it's just me. But I put up his tree:

I sent this ornament pic to my dad. It's just his style. :)

Also, here's Uncle Mike, looking annoyed. This is the face he has on when I interrupt his work -- AKA his usual look :)

And, from back in October, my stepmum's favorite cat, Elijah, under a blanket. He's old and shy and spends most of his time there.

I also took semi-faithful pics, up to a point, of all my cooking for Christmas with some idea of making a post with recipes. But I'll save that for another time.

As for New Year's, I worked on the eve. I did a party at this outright mansion, marble floors and antiques all over. I so wish I'd taken pics there as it was the fanciest house I've ever been in, but it was just a small family reunion party, so I didn't want to come off all OMG YOUR HOUSE!!!

Then New Year's day, Uncle Mike absolutely shocked me by taking me out to dinner as a thank you for all the cooking and cleaning and decorating I did. We put our names in at this Italian restaurant, Alessa, near where I sing that is always crowded, then went to a nearby brewery/bar as the wait was long to have a drink. We sampled their house beers and, even though I don't really care for beer, I liked this honey-blonde one I tried. It tasted bitter going down, but had this nice honey aftertaste. Then we had buffalo cauliflower as an appetizer. This was the part I still think about. It was just as good and less greasy than having hot wings. I think it would have been even better if the cauliflower had been roasted first rather than just steamed. Anyway, it's another thing I want to try making one of these days. The dinner was nice, too, though I wasn't as adventurous as I could have been. I just had pasta with sausage and mushroom, but we had a chianti with that, which I liked. I'm trying to get my taste buds to stop cringing at red wine by making myself drink a glass every night. It's going well so far. I can't say I prefer it to white, but I am acquiring a taste, as they say.

Since then I've been sick and it sucks, but it's my own doing. I'd been doing all this bragging about how I got all my sickness out of the way in October and I was going to ride out the rest of this winter all healthy, pointing and laughing at everyone else's suffering (at least that's how I remember it going down now with deep remorse). Now I'm struck down in my prime and wondering if this one will linger for a damned month. But I guess, if I were going to get sick, this is the month to do it in. Bills are ahead, I've finished my early month gigs, and don't have another until the 17th. So fine. Come at me, sickness. Just be gentle.

Other than that, I'll just finish catching up on you guys again.

real life, singing, cooking, family

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