In short:
- My dad found out Monday that it wasn't all in our heads and that he was on the chopping block. It was one of those, "we don't want to let you go, so if you sign your new contract on March 1st for half of your current pay, we may keep you." It's one of those situations where he can't afford to work for half, but he can't afford not to. I've heard it's called being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
- I've waited on pins and needles for my own, "work for half!" form letter, but it hasn't arrived. Normally this would be cause for a bit of joy, but with the above happening and my car repairs on the agenda, you can't get too far from that frame of mind. On the positive side, I make so little down there that I could probably live off of a cheap retail store's salary, but every retail store seems to say the same thing: "where's your experience?" and "Whaaaaaat? How could you have lived this long and never worked retail?" I know that experience in anything is important, but I think working at a place where I've gone into work no later than six every morning for more than a decade and never missed a day should count for something.
- There were two weird incidents yesterday morning that really had me paranoid and thinking that it was over for my job yesterday. One is a bit difficult to explain, but they both involved bogus calls against me on my behalf. I have the feeling that they were both random "customers" complaining that I'd screwed up. I'm not joking when I say the names on the sheet were, "Kathy Bates" and "Jimmy Hendricks" who are also apparently neighbors at a senior center by my house. Considering that I've never had any issues at that place, I'm highly suspicious. Or highly amused. It'd be cool to find out the real Hendrix is living in a senior center on the west side of Salt Lake City and had been able to live a relatively quiet life by changing the last few letters of his last name.
- Speaking of my car, I've had the offer to have it repaired with the ability to pay my family back, but with recent events it doesn't feel right. On top of that, I was a bit stubborn with insisting that I don't need a car, despite the inconvienience this causes to my family rather than to myself. I romanticized the idea of walking to the yoga class I've been invited to or riding my bike to see friends, but I've spent most of my week at home with both above activities being cancelled.
There are a handful of other minor things like a slow computer that took me two hours to advance past the Windows screen and two of my drives being completely screwed up though they're fortunately not essential. My recovery software that I paid $69 for when it last happened has been acting screwy, and it's a fairly long and complicated process to even make it work, but I figure I'll develop the inertia to deal with it this weekend.
I feel I accomplished a lot by getting out there and finally signing up for a Facebook page. I'd hoped communication in the world would have become a bit less technological and I wouldn't have to, but no dice. My initial impression? Holy crap is it cluttered! It feels like a Jackson Pollock painting. I don't even know where to look because everything looks to be haphazardly thrown together because it's sorted by time and not by subject. For example, if all "wall" posts were in a section of the page and status updates were in another and photo updates in another, it'd feel like less of a search. And it's so nosy. Do I really need to know that an acquaintance of mine found a friend via the classmate search? Do I need to know what person A wrote on person B's wall or leaves a comment on someone's photo? I can't say that I'm too keen on the profiles looking as cluttered as the homepage, but it's something I'll have to adapt to. I think it'll take me a fair amount of time to understand how everything works. If I have some control over it by my birthday, I'll consider myself lucky. I'd hoped I could get away with not updating it as much, but exactly 1/3 of my friend list thus far consists of people who I've never been friends with on MySpace. I'm kind of wondering why they added me when I barely know most of them. Still, it's a nice feeling to get requests like that. It makes me feel like they see something cool in me that I don't see in myself.
It isn't all frustration however. I do like the notification bar at the bottom of the page, and the fact that half of my graduating class is on there and organized neatly gives me the ability to contact someone should the desire occur.
In other fantastic accomplishments, I was finally able to sort through and delete/mark for awesomeness the 1,700+ photos I took at Sundance. I finally got the concert photos sized and uploaded and have them up on both social networking sites.
I was also going to mention that I've been listening to the complete Michelle Branch catalog today and watched "a very special" episode of Blossom this afternoon, but I don't know where those fit in with these other random things.