Apr 12, 2007 01:20

I wanted to pause here for a minute to give a shout out to one of my (grad student) friends. I'm honestly starting to really consider theoretical Bose-Einstein Condensate as maybe the right path for me, if I ever get into grad school. Anyway, anyone who's able should definitely go to this thing...


Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Physics Department Colloquium

Jim Stickney
Title: Atomoptics and atomtronics
Monday April 16, 4:00 pm, Olin 107

The invention of the laser in the early 1960s caused a revolution in
modern optics. Lasers found applications in medicine,
telecommunications, information storage, and, perhaps most importantly,
precision measurements. The state of matter known as Bose-Einstein
condensate (BEC) is the matter-wave equivalent of laser light. Because
they are much more sensitive, it is believed that BEC-based
"atomoptical" devices will eventually replace many current laser-based
devices used in precision measurements. BEC based devices that are
analogous to electronic devices may also be possible. In an
"atomtronic" device, the atoms in the BEC play the role of the electrons
in an electronic circuit. In this presentation, the current state of
BEC-based devices will be discussed, with particular emphasis how
atom-atom interactions affect their operation.


This guy has helped me understand the subtleties of quantum physics more than probably anyone in the department, including faculty. And his views on reality and consciousness are pretty awesome(ly similar to my own).

Anyway yeah, go to this thing. If you want to understand how reality works on the small scale, Jim is the guy to ask. Or me, duh..

physics, bec

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