Mindless Musings of the Insane...

May 29, 2005 00:25

"We're all mad here"

Those famous words of the Cheshire Cat. But where does the line come between genius and insanity? Are all true geniuses, for all comprehensive purposes, insane? Certainly not all crazies are genius.

Since early childhood, most renowned prodigies have felt detached from the rest of society... but what about those that "slip through the cracks"? What about those geniuses that haven't the common sense or the favor of Lady Luck to make their marks on the world?

By no means do I call myself a genius. I'm a daughter of a blue-collar worker who was the son of a would-be white collar worker, but got saddled with an illigitimate son and had to get married and work at entry level jobs. I'm not on par with Bobby fisher or Divinci, Mark Twain or VanGogh. But I've been told I am quite mad. Not by psychologists, no. To them, I am merely fascinating. Well-adjusted for what I've gone through. Able to grasp the abstract and yet shun it for more concrete data. Ideallistic, yet pessimistic, a dreamer that knows they will never come true. A pathological liar that always tells the truth...

I digress. I feel detached from the world. The terrible truth is that I never felt in sync with any individual, let alone a group of such. Sounds like meglomania, like ego mania, like distypal disorder. Does that constitute insanity? When people see things in the cloud and all I see is the numbus, does that constitute genuis?

Sometimes, I stare at the ceiling. But you'll never see me do it.

I can twist the rtuth. I try to rup the devil from my body and if you every catch my soothsaying, I will cut your eyes, lest you see my face.

I will NEVER lie to you, though All I say is truth. Distorted truth from the mind of someone who is perhaps fettered by insanity.
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