May 24, 2003 23:21
Do you know what I mean, it's like...?
I don't know how I feel do you...?
Couldn't we just...?
Don't leave I...?
This isn't okay...?
I don't...?
... (heh, haha!)
We, or a better part of us, are the fruit of a diversity-embracing society.
What generations before us considered extreme, we consider common, if not tame.
What I find is happening more and more these days, is that most people consider things like homosexuality, cross-dressing, outward racial pride through gatherings, etc, a benchmark for acceptable self-expression.
Now make no mistake, I find nothing wrong with such things, these are good things, but it does lead one to wonder: if such things are considered acceptable outlets
for being who the hell you want to be, a benchmark, then anything one could fathom beyond said benchmark would be considered un-acceptable? A new extreme?
Watch out North America, watch out for the new bigots.