Jan 28, 2004 14:52
so when i was in high school i couldn't wait to graduate and go to college. i thought about it all the time. i guess part of that constant desire to be in college stemmed from the fact that i've grown up around universities. when my parents brought me back home after i was born, it was to student housing on the university of washington campus. and after they both got their graduate and post-graduate studies finished, my mom whisked me off to alaska, where she taught at the university. then, when dan went off to college right after my freshman year, it made the whole college thing even more persistent. i flew through high school, with the only thought of just making it to college. and now that i'm here, it makes me wish that i was still a student at belle plaine high. interesting. really. not to mention, One Tree Hill makes high school look so hip. heh.
so, anyways, busy day. lots of crap to do.
hey phil--i just thought of something today. your roommate's name is ronny and my boyfriend's name is ronnie. your girlfriend's name is lindsey, and my soon-to-be roommate's name is lindsay. haha. isn't that just the neatest? eh?
hey sarah, remember when we went to that comeback kid show in winnipeg and that crazy, drunk lady got up onto the stage and started yelling and saying "Eh?" with her strong canadian accent?
hey genna, remember when we read those trashy romance novels in border's while waiting for our movie to start? remember when you BOUGHT them? 5 for $7? what a deal.
hey michelle, remember when i told you that i've never like a girl as much as you (in that completely non-lesiban way)? it's still true.
hey ronnie, remember when jeff lopresto told you that i thought you were hot? and thus started the first step to our relationship?
hey scott, remember when we were wrestling on your bed, and you stuffed your dirty sock into my mouth and then yelled triumphantly "I totally just brushed your teeth with my sock!!"?
hey brandon powell, remember when i first started at hot topic and you had a crush on me? yeah, i thought you were way hot too.
hey eric, remember when we let your bird out and it kept crashing into every wall in your room? and all we did was laugh about it?
hey josh rathbun, remember when we played hide-and-go-seek in that park in derby and he hid together? and we played on the swings? and we talked about how much you liked art history and how you wanted to go to europe?
hey troy, do you remember that one show two years ago at lee shiney and you were dancing (as you ususally do)? and you didn't know me at all, but i kept looking over my shoulder to watch you dance, mesmorized?
hey christy, remember when we bought bread and fed the ducks on that little pond? remember mohawk?
ronnie, remember the second time we ever hung out? in eric's room? and your arm brushed against mine and i knew that i wanted to be yours always.
my mind was flooded with thoughts/memories. pardon.
well, as entertainment editor, i should be writing an article about Rock the Hall '04. yeeeeaahhh..
ugh. pring journalism. ugh.
thanks for the belt, ronnie-o. ♥