Museum Field Trip Number TWO, originally uploaded by
painter girl.
I so want to go to this! But I am shy. *hangs head*
I did go to the
Etsy seller's meetup last Sunday though and had a great chat and met lots of great people and saw lots of amazing things. I am seriously coveting some those beautiful handmades.
I've been spending all my spare time grinding away at a zine I've been making for a
Swap-bot swap. Normally I love it and I get a lot of inspiration from swaps, but this one is driving me nuts. It's blown out to a gargantuan 50 pages, only half of which are done. When you're hopelessly behind on the deadline and you're getting real cravings to knit instead, it's not so fun. Hopefully it'll be finished soon, and no more zines for a while!
I have some exciting new purchases and other things to show you, but it'll have to wait til I can A) be bothered to take photos; and B) have access to the computer; and C) actually have time.
All I want to say right now is - my head arrived yesterday and I can't wait to start using it!!