
May 20, 2009 22:09

I just got a new phone todaaaaaaaaay.

I'm so in love with it, you don't even know. And also switched from Cricket to AT & T, because Chris's mom let me onto her account, so it's only 10 bucks a month. Well, 15 actually cause I paid 5 dollars more for more texts.

So that made my day better. Also got another shift tomorrow, working for someone else. Going to be working in my birthday though, so no weekend camping trip. This week, anyway. My friend got me all stoked to go cause I haven't been camping in years. As long as they have real bathrooms though, and actually MAINTAIN them, I'm cool with the great outdoors.

So with this recent purchase, it's got me thinking how technologically behind I am. For one thing, with Cricket, everything is very straight forward. No contracts, you just sign up, buy a phone and there you go. And their phones are generally behind the times. At least when I signed up 3 years ago. All very basic phones, make a call, send a text. None of this touch screen, sliding, full keyboard stuff. Seriously, my boyfriend was talking to the guy and I ended up playing with the iPhone for like a good 30 minutes. There was not 30 minutes of entertainment with my first phone, which was a Kyocera Dorado. Yeah I broke it after a year. Lost my second one after like a month, my third one was this shitty Razr that had a battery in it that didn't fit so I was holding it in with matches. MATCHES, GUYS. IN MY PHONE BATTERY AREA. That probably wasn't safe, come to think of it. Although, if it did somehow catch on fire that'd be an interesting way to go.

And it's just weird that I'm supposed to be this young whippersnapper and half the phones I couldn't even get open, cause they're those slidey ones. And there's an old dude with a Harley shirt buying a bluetooth headset. It makes you go, argh.

But anyway. I'm tired and hungry cause I went to work at 8 and didn't get home until about 830 tonight, since we were doing all the phone stuff and shizzle. It was hot out today, too, which always makes me feel blah.


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