
Jun 17, 2009 10:53

I'm horrible at updating online journals now.

But after perusing Oh No They Didn't, I realised there was a little cake there celebrating TEN years of Livejournal. Holy shit, has it really been that long? I haven't been here since the beginning, but I was able to find my very first journal, http://rayvenmatthews.livejournal.com/ and I joined April 15th, 2001. Sadly it only has two entries, but I'm so glad my thirteen year old stupidity is forever immortalised on the internet. Or at least until they start purging old accounts.

In more adult and less interesting news, life sucks. Chris and I have been hitting a food bank once a week so we're not completely living off ramen noodles and mac and cheese. I feel.. guilty for saying that though. Because obviously I have the internet and a computer, but that's only because I feel comfortable asking my mother to pay for the internet each month, but I don't want her to worry by asking for money to buy food. I've now been waiting since February to hear back from the food stamp people on my application, which I already know I qualify for, and that's incredibly frustrating. The system is just ridiculously slow, and that's pretty much every system. Food stamps, welfare, General Assistance, Social Security Disability. Chris has been trying to get SSI for YEARS, and they keep denying him, after usually three months of waiting, for the stupidest reasons.

Not to mention I'm not the most motivated person ever. I try not to sit on my lazy ass and complain all day, but sometimes that's all the energy I can muster.

So I'm listening to Backstreet Boy's 'All I Have to Give' and singing it to my cat, which I find somewhat appropriate for the situation.

And I will leave you with this picture of Lemon. My little angel. Awwwww.

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