at least, it is to those who know.
in other news, i spent the night at nick and curtis' new house in sm. it's okay. very small, but cozy. i had a good time. ^_^ then i went and did all my laundry at mom & dad's. and um... now i'm home. yay, for now.
mom grilled me on going to college, as she always does whenever she can. it's really irritating, but i also know that she really wants me to go to college and graduate, so i can understand a little. she overdoes it sometimes though, and it kills my own enthusiasm.
i think i know why i want to take psychology. i think it's because i feel i never know who i am. or, more like, i don't know who i want to be. and i think that taking psychology will greatly help me discover that, by just understanding the human psyche. maybe just going to college in general will help me know myself better. i listen to the things i say, and i feel like i am never projecting who i really am - i usually project my weird, unfunny sense of humor which no one understands. i've been called a vast range of things by friends, from bitch to calm center of the universe. i was helping mom type up a paper (funny, whenever i'm home, she always wants me to do her homework) about Plato, and there was a lot of interesting stuff in it - about morals, basically. it was enlightening, and i really felt like it struck a chord with me, like, "this is how i've always felt about this, but have never been able to put to words!" and seeing it put into words... made me understand the person who i want to be more.
i dreamt last night that i was sleeping on the couch (and in fact i was sleeping on the couch), and someone came and lifted up my legs and sat down. i woke up and knew someone was there, but i couldn't see who it was. when i was finally able to see, it was Z. i don't remember much after that... i know i felt scared, and i think i started to say go away, but i don't remember if he left or not. when i woke up, scott's snoring wouldn't allow me to think about it, and by the time i got to my own bed, i was too awake to go back to sleep. so here i am.
and, i think that's all for now.