There's never that much to report, really. Kids go to school, I hound Two about doing his PT correctly and his math accurately (he understands the concepts for both those things. It's the quality that needs work), I go to the store once a week and smaller errands occasionally, and I started sewing on the quilt remake I'm doing for my SIL's bday (
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Ohhh yeah - I hear you :) When my brother entered high school, there were 2 special ed classrooms - he was initially put in with the "behavior modification" kids - and he lasted about a week, before the teacher called my mom and said "you need to get him OUT of this classroom - he is naive and the other kids will eat him alive" - he was already being identified as "the kid we can get to do things because he trusts people".
So he ended up being put in with the kids who had major processing issues and were intellectually limited - but were generally nice kids. It was a much better fit for him, socially, but the academic expectations were not so awesome.
but Two already feels he has so much "wrong" with him
I can totally see his point - and tbh, if he's anything like my brother, navel-gazing and introspection are not skills that he excels at - so really, unless the diagnosis comes with a prescription drugs that will help him concentrate, and make a demonstrable improvement, or gives the teachers a label that will allow them to work with him differently or give him accomodations - it probably won't benefit him much, and if he's already feeling like he's got enough labels - I can see it not being worthwhile.
One of the things my brother has going for him, is that he's pretty laid back - we didn't make a big deal about his diagnoses - he was NEVER allowed to say "I can't do that because I have ADHD" for example - that didn't fly with my mom :D But also things just sort of roll off his back - he exists is a pretty happy "present" and doesn't really worry about the past or the future. Drives me absolutely nuts :) but it's good for him :D
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