Woke up at 9:30a this morning and all I could think was tomorrow morning is going to SUCK. The only consolation is that the girl next door is now old enough to drive and has offered to give MiniPlu a ride (instead of taking the bus), thus granting her (and me) an extra 15 minutes of sleep. But it's still going to suck. And be cold. (This morning was 8F/-4F with wind, aka -13/-20C. It didn't get above 0F (-18C), in terms of how it felt, until evening.
The day itself was ok. We ate cinnamon rolls, I took Two to Michael's (craft store) to spend the gift card he'd gotten from my FIL for Christmas, and I got some kettlebells at the sporting goods store nearby. Helped MiniPlu with The Odyssey, made dinner, lifted weights, watched the Rose Parade, tidied a messy corner of the kitchen (now, just for the rest of the kitchen....), made dinner, etc. Nothing really spectacular.
Also, in somewhat depressing news, we've started putting doggy diapers on Nala, to reduce the number of accidents she has in the house. You can tell she is NOT amused by this.
Now that Yuletide reveals are up, I can say that I wrote:
Mr. Green, This is YOUR Life! (Clue movie fandom). I really struggled with this fic, and only got it finished and posted with mere hours to spare, but I guess it's ok.
And in case you didn't see the link in my prior (WAY too long) travel post, I received this Emperor's New Groove fic:
Saved by the Brioche. I asked for Kronk-centric fic, and the appearance of shoulder angel/shoulder devil, and this fic definitely includes that.
Definitely a lot less than I've had in past years. I'll try to do better this year.