Music, crazy week and grades

Feb 10, 2015 22:58

Day 1 - Ten random facts about yourself
Day 2 - Nine things you do everyday
Day 3 - Eight things that annoy you
Day 4 - Seven fears/phobias
Day 5 - Six songs that you’re addicted to
Day 6 - Five things you can’t live without
Day 7 - Four memories you won’t forget
Day 8 - Three words you can’t go a day without
Day 9 - Two things you wish you could do
Day 10 - One person you can trust

First, let me state that I'm not sure "addicted to" is the right word. I have songs I like a lot, really enjoy hearing on the radio/mp3 player/whatever, but I wouldn't say I'm addicted to them. Conversely, there are those songs that get stuck in my head and are thus are sort of involuntary addictions. For the purposes of this meme, I'm just going to list six songs I like a whole bunch and hardly ever get tired of. (I could list a whole lot more, but then, I imagine most people could.)

You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift
The Gambler - Kenny Rogers
Full Moon - The Curse Breakers (wrock)
Be With You - The Bangles
Ghost - Indigo Girls
Fuckin' Perfect - Pink (which I first heard/saw as a John/Sherlock fanvid, btw)

And a bonus: Born This Way - Lady Gaga

It's kind of a crazy week here: No school on Mon for weather, two hour delay this morning. So far, a perfectly normal week. :P But then Two has half days Wed/Thurs for conferences, and although MiniPlu has a full day on Wed and a half day on Thurs, she's doing preview shows for elementary students those days, which means that although she'll be AT school, she won't really be IN school for much of the time. And there's no school on Fri for either kid, due to teacher inservices.

Today was busy: Two hour delay so I did, at least, get a little bit more sleep. But then we had the usual pre-teen (MiniPlu's former bff; the girls currently are superficially friendly but that's about it) dropped off at my house at 9:15a so I could take her to school. Given that I rely on another parent's kindness to get MiniPlu home from late rehearsals if I have to take Two somewhere else, I try to pay it forward by taking in this kid on delayed-start mornings, even though I know MiniPlu isn't thrilled. Anyway, took them, took Two (who has somehow injured his ankle), worked the library for a whole 90 mins, went home for lunch, walked the dog, had my left shoulder MRI-ed, drove to the community college and swapped cars with Will (his gets MUCH better mileage), put gas in said car, picked up Two from school, supervised homework until the Camp Aranu'tiq director called for our mutually informative Q&A chat, threw dinner together and put it in to-go containers, drove an hour to gender therapy (arriving just in time to have MiniPlu call me from the end of her rehearsal to say she'd possibly broken her thumb, it was all swollen; I had her call Will and tell him not to dawdle coming home - looks like a sprain, not broken, but her ability to tumble is in question), spent an hour at therapy, an hour back, got back at 8pm. Relaxed, had a snack, caught up Will on various happenings, read to Two, tucked kids into bed, phew!

Tomorrow: MiniPlu wants to get to school early (as if she had band) in order to get ready for the preview show they're doing for elementary kids (including Two's class, I might add). This means getting up at 6am on a day when I normally wouldn't have to; on the other hand, I would normally have done that today and didn't have to, so I suppose it all comes out in the wash. :P When I take Two to Safety Patrol, I have to stay and count out 400 fundraiser packets for the chocolate sale I run every year (anyone want some?), then over to the public library, where I didn't go at all last week. Two gets out at noon for parent-teacher conferences, which means I can't go to TKD; MiniPlu no longer has late rehearsals now that the show is going live, so she gets out at 3pm. Two has PREP and then there's a PTO meeting that night, whee.

Thurs: Both kids get out early - MiniPlu at 11:30a and Two at noon. Two's conference is that afternoon, and I'm attending MiniPlu's official opening night that night. Whether Two can go to gymnastics or not, with his ankle, remains to be seen. If so, it means juggling getting Two to gymnastics and MiniPlu to the theater, both of which involve arrival times of 5:30pm, and getting Will to pick up Two from gymnastics because I'll be at the show.

Fri: No school for district-wide teacher inservice. I'm probably going to get my car door fixed then, but I didn't get to call the dealer after they left a message to say the parts were in today. Remains to be seen. Must have car back in time to get MiniPlu to Friday show, however.

I'm not sure I'm going to get to TKD at ALL this week, which is seriously bumming me out. Couldn't go tonight, can't go at noon tomorrow. If car is being repaired, can't go on Fri noon. Not sure I'll squeeze it in on Sat, given that it's Valentine's Day and I'm already spending most of the afternoon/evening working concessions for the school play. Sigh.

Oh, before I go - both kids' 2nd-quarter report cards came home today, and we're pleased. MiniPlu got all As but one (88% for math, but she pulled it way up from an early-quarter bombed test, so we're happy, even if she's a little disappointed to spoil the all-As streak), and Two got all Bs for math/reading/writing (As for science/social studies), same as 1st quarter, but pulled up several individual marks within those grades, and got rid of the two minuses he had for behavioral marks in 1st quarter. So, yeah, we're happy with both of them. [And, seriously, a B for writing for Two is still a BIG deal, especially as he pulled "writing on demand" up from a 1 to a 3 (out of 4)!]

Ugh. If I have to get up early, I guess I'd better go crash.

meme, achievements, school:miniplu, school:two, theater, school

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