Inspired by a post I saw on my flist, I'm linking to a post I made
approximately ten years ago. (The actual ten-years-ago post was much more boring.) But still - wow, my life has changed. We were waiting anxiously for Two, MiniPlu wasn't potty-trained yet, and I didn't have a free minute to myself because she was still so little. Our house was
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DILF - a Teen Wolf AU in which Stiles is Derek's kid's kindergarten teacher (can seriously be read without canon knowledge) (podfic version)
A Beautiful Lifetime Event - an SGA fic in which Rodney and John accidentally have a child together (these things tended to happen on that series). (podfic version)
and a whole host of other comfort fic. ;) I don't think I have comfort books anymore.
... I guess that presupposes you read all your fic on the AO3. I don't even know if you do, in my fandoms it's just the be all, end all site for fanfic, so I don't even think about other sites anymore. I'm sure if you get fic from other sites, you can also make .mobi (=kindle) files yourself, maybe with the opensource program Calibre, which handles all ereader management.
If you are an Amazon-denier and have a Kobo or similar (like I have), you can either download stories from the AO3 in .epub format and use Calibre to get them onto your device, or browse onto the AO3 if the device has a browser and download it (that's how I usually do it).
In the very least, the downloading thing should work though. But skip thethe cumbersome PDFs, .mobi is the kindle format after all.
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