melina123 posted recently: This may be old news if you have the KT or the $79 NT Kindle from last year, but for the first time, I was able to download a .mobi book from
AO3 directly to my [Paperwhite] Kindle.
On a lark, I decided to try this out with my two-year-old Kindle Keyboard (formerly known as the Kindle 3), even though I had no reason to believe it would work.
Well, guess what - it did work!
Up until now I've always manually downloaded AO3 files to my computer, transferring them to my Kindle via USB cable. But as melina123 says: Now you can go to an AO3 story page on the Kindle's browser (requires wifi), and when you click "download" and choose "mobi", instead of an error message, you'll be asked if you want to download the file. If you do, it will show up in your home screen, with both author and title metadata properly inserted. Really quite awesome!
Weirdly, I do still get an error message when I try this for the first time in a new browser session (see screenshots below). However, if I click the error message closed and then try a second time, there's no problem; and all subsequent downloads during the same session are error message-free. So if you get that initial error message - PUSH ON AND KEEP TRYING. You may be pleasantly surprised!
So, I thought I'd share the good news with my fellow users of older (pre-Touch) Kindle models. I don't know whether this works on all wifi and 3G models now, but I'm thrilled I can do it with my "antique" KK. What a fabulous surprise!
Here's what happens when I first try to download a MOBI file from AO3 (Download > MOBI) during a new browser session. The error message implies that I'm trying to download "another" type of file. (I wonder how many users give up at this point?)
When I click Close, then select Download > MOBI again, the following message pops up. This time, when I click Yes, the MOBI file downloads directly to my Kindle home page. (And, for the remainder of the browser session, I see only this message each time I try downloading other files from AO3.)