Saturday: Light rain when I wake up. Changes over to snow around 9am. Two's belt test starts at 10am, ends around 1pm. Yes, she passes, but almost immediately loses her red belt over a carrot. :-P Power's been out at our house since ~noon; forecast to return around 5pm, later changed to noon on Sunday. I spend afternoon at another PTO mom's house, making ornaments for upcoming sale; her power goes out around 3pm. Have take-out pizza for dinner. Power flickers on for a minute, then back out again. Spend dark night with candles, Kindle, Will's tablet. Go to bed early. Snow ends around bedtime; I think we got 4", with 6-10" forecast, but the next town over got nearly 7" and some of ours started melting quickly so I'm not entirely sure what our official total was.
Sunday: No power. No landline phone service, either. Go out to breakfast, requesting a table near an outlet so Will can recharge as many electronics as possible. Clearly, others have the same idea. Go to church - hey, they have electricity! Our power restoration has been pushed back to 4pm. Walk around neighborhood, photographing widespread severe tree damage (heavy wet snow clung to leaves, breaking branches everywhere, hence all the outages). Grocery store (which had power on Saturday) across street is on emergency generator on Sunday; only non-perishables are available. Power restoration pushed back to 8pm Wednesday. Grill meatloaf in cast-iron skillet, boil water on grill for instant mashed potatoes, make salad. Well, at least it's a hot meal. Another dark night, although we light more candles and I manage to finish knitting a sleeve. School is cancelled for Monday.
Neither Will nor I got our usual long run in, as outside was too slushy and the treadmill requires electricity.
Monday: No power. Restoration pushed back to 11pm Thursday. Go over to MiniPlu's BFF's house so kids can play and I can borrow their washer/dryer. (Their power came back 9pm Sunday.) They feed us lunch, too. Go to public library afterwards, then home before 3pm. In resignation, start washing a pile of dishes by hand, since it seems the dishwasher will have to wait for. ev. er. Just as I finish, around 3:15pm ... the power comes back on. And the landline phone. *hold breath, scarcely able to believe it*
The power stays on. A miracle has occurred, hallelujah! Cook
dinner! On the stove! When Will comes home, he reboots all our servers, and the Internet returns as well.
Now, after 50+ hours of electricity-less-ness: what can be spared, food-wise? Are frozen veggies and breads keep-able? Meats should obviously go. Cheese can stay, cream cheese should probably go. Mayo and ranch dressing should go, the rest of the condiments can stay? We were keeping milk outside, since it was cold, so I think it's okay.
There's no way I can catch up on 3 days' worth of LJ, so just link me if you think I should see something you've posted since Friday evening. And for all you normal folks (unlike our odd communities over here), Happy Halloween!
Oh, and
anemonerose, we finished Son of Neptune yesterday - link me to your post again?