
Feb 19, 2007 11:32

I am currently in Toronto visiting my significant other (who prefers not to be named in any of my various internet-related communiquées) enjoying Love and all that it has to offer. After a somewhat long and dark January in which we saw each other zero times (after Jan 2) February has been much warmer and shimmering in happy love-light. Of course, not literally warmer as it has actually been fucking freezing, but you know what I mean.

I'm putting the finishing touches on a drupal-CMS I am working on for the Toronto Society of Architects. And thank god! Freelancing is great and all but, God, somebody pay me. I was warned there would be a lot of waiting on cheques but I don't think I was truly prepared for it. I'm painfully broke right now but will soon (as in hopefully soon) be almost literally swimming in the greenstuffs (and blue and purple and red, I guess). Most of that will, of course, be used to pay off the credit card which has been my primary means of living as I wait and wait for my monies.

Music life is amazing! Although I think it's being formally announced tomorrow, I feel like it's cool if I mention that The Acorn signed to Paper Bag Records. They're re-releasing the Tin Fist EP (remastered, too, by gar!) and will be putting out the full-length that we are having a merry old time making lo these past several weeks. There's lots of hippie hand drums, weird art-sounds, and even a trumpet or two. Heavens! Also, we embark upon a fin-d'hiver Cross Canada® tour near the end of March (dutifully avoiding being on the road during those dreaded ides we've all read about)

This is us:

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