Only 3 weeks???? Geez!

Mar 24, 2005 15:32

Well, I hardly know what to say right now. One of my best buds (13 year best buds) is getting married in a couple of weeks. They decided this about a week ago. She has been with the guy since around 1998, and they have 2 beautiful children. The hard part: I’m not invited. They have chosen to head down to the city and just have parents and siblings present. I mean, I understand, but at the same time I am mad that I am not even gonna be there. Mad maybe isn’t the word, disappointed is what I am feeling I guess. At the same time though, I am kinda concerned. The guy, well, isn’t much of a man as far as I am concerned. Sure, he works and brings home his paycheck, but at least when I am around, he really does nothing to help her out with the house or the kids. I know he loves his kids, but I’m not sure that if the kids weren’t there, if they would be together today at all. But, if she is marrying him, she must love him, and all I can do is support her choices, as she has done for me. I don’t have to like the guy, I don’t have to marry him, and so it’s her call. I just hope it all works out for the best. She really deserves a good life.
On other notes: Went to watch our Foamy cartoons for our girls nite, no word of a lie, they were the wrong movie, both of our copies. The case was right, the DVD had Neurotically Yours on it, but the wrong movie was burnt onto it. It was some 80’s alien flick. I kept hoping Foamy would pop out on the screen as we got into the movie, and yell that we were a bunch of assholes, but no luck. So, back to the company, they have a statement on the email page that this had happened and where to send the movie back to. Kinda funny, especially since our nite was pretty much ruined anyways. Our shop door nearly fell down and the winch on our deck truck blew a seal, so I was at work until 8pm. 12-hour shift, those are tough. So, yeah, that pretty much screwed our evening anyways, and the movie was the last straw. We watched a bit of TV, and then the roomie went to bed, and I went to bed shortly after. Life’s weird like that.
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