In Which Mercedes Spills The Beans. Not That We Didn't Already Know It.
Okay, it's not just me, that undershirt is, like, meshy and see-through, right? Can we lobby to see him *only* in that?? *hnnggg*
And another shot to add to your daily dose of Chris Colfer Sexual Frustration. Neck and shoulder, people. Neck-and-shoulder.
...I really hope they pay him.
First confused!Finn shot of the episode!!
The return of vampire!Tina. Wearing the same cape-clasp/pendant thing she wore the last time. Yay, continuity!!
Okay, if I worked at that school, I'd be looking skyward for advice rather often. I don't blame him.
"Coach, you can't kick me off the team! Me 'n Kurt only had sex twice in the locker rooms! TWICE!!"
He creeps me out. Maybe it's because, as my father said, he looks about 35. I dunno. But there's something off about him.
Do Tina and Brittany sing back-up for every song now??
I have issues with Mercedes in this episode. Let's just leave it at that. I'm still not ruling out pregnancy, either
I kind of like Tina's new look. It's still her but yet more mature.
Okay, how come Kurt can wear a big freaking bow tie and I don't even notice it because it looks natural, but when Blaine wears them he looks like a clown?? Case being: BLAINE, STOP WEARING BOW TIES. AND PUT ON SOME SOCKS.
Bigger lol.
All the lols forever. Azimio, you need more screen time. You're sassy and I love you (also, does Karofsky just not *go* to school anymore? He just trolls the gay bars waiting until Kurt comes to find him? I iz confused...)
Hello, girl!crush. Although I could say that about almost all of the girls on this show...
Flawless Human Being.
This was very cute. Even if he was imagining her.
These football players need to suck it up and accept they're dancers at heart. 'Single Ladies?' 'Thriller?' And now this? It's kind of obvious...
...Do I need to caption this?...
My father: "When did he go and join the Civil War?"
...This is creepy for some reason. Maybe because Blaine's not really staring at anything. Other than the camera. It's creepy.
Kurt haz a tail again.
Blaine, take a note from your boyfriend: socks are *good*.
Okay, I have so much love for this number. So. Much. Also, Holy Hell, Kurt, *range*.
"I always knew you two were together!"
"Oh, crap, she *knows!*"
So instead of, y'know, separating, they'll stand together in the exact same pose in the background. Subtlety fail.
Random Brittana.
...Look, Brad exists even in fantasies! He's that important!
I am *so glad* more Awesome Parents are popping up. Also *spoiler spoiler* Carole is back in the next episode. And Burt. Carole and Burt. Family scenes. Please.
...No comment.
I found it interesting how they're all sectioned off into couples here: Mike and Tina, Santana and Brittany, Blaine and Kurt, Puck and Quinn...and the football team. Who's the lonely dude who has to sit by himself, though???
Random Quick.
Kurt, you're eye-sexing the camera again.
Crazy!Rachel. She disappears momentarily but then she always claws her way back to the surface. Like here.
My mother: "How many garbage bags did they *need* to make that dress?!"
Oh, look. Well, some parents had to be crappy, I guess...
Rachel, Kurt is not impressed with you. And neither am I.
AND YOU DON'T GET TO LOOK HURT ABOUT IT. He wants to change the school for the better. Rachel wants to change the school for *herself*.
Why do they look nervous?
"Well, guess what? I've got important news. And I'm not telling you. I'm gonna go tell Miss Corcoran see my creepy old boyfriend."
"Crap. She's coming this way. Do I tell her? I have to tell her. But what if she asks me? Crap."
"Finn? Did you tell Kurt who you were voting for?"
"I...told him I didn't know. Now I need to go meet him in the locker room, kay? Later!"
Will was very sweet here. I know, I never say that...
...That is not a happy face, Kurt. I do rather love how Blaine hugs him, though.
See, Kurt's rocking the bow tie again. Blaine isn't. This is how it should be.
...This one's only because Kurt and Finn are in the same shot...
"...M-Miss Corcoran? I have important news. About the Glee Club."
"Finn and Kurt are having sex."