adventures at the library (you KNOW it)

Apr 02, 2004 15:35

Sally just called me ... but I couldn't answer the phone cause you can't talk at the friggin' library. She didn't leave a message either. Loser.
This guy who is a regular customer at Blue Sky (the place where I work all the time ... like 6am-2pm today) just came over here and said hi to me. He's nice. His name is Todd. He works here. At the library.
Anyway ... yesterday I bought Texas Chainsaw Massacre (aka Jessica Biel's Ass the movie) and postindie and I went in on a copy of The Sims Deluxe. We made a little ghetto house where he, littleparade, and I could live. It's much fun. I also made a RealCancun house filled with horny bisexual 20-somethings who all want to be doctors. I think my favorite is Dudey McDuderson. He likes to insult girls and then dance with them while wearing sandals.
The Sims rules. I don't want to play real life anymore. I want to play The Sims. In fact, I wish I was playing the Sims right now. I wonder what's going to happen to Emily (spyderpixie) Parade. I just got her a job in the journalism career path. <3
I am not a dork. Shut up.
Um, so ... friendster sucks. It's taking forever to load. I have to go to the bank.

p.s. (added later)
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulspyderpixie goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as a fairy princess.leuwam gives you 9 light yellow licorice-flavoured gummy worms.littleparade tricks you! You lose 1 pieces of candy!ninjafeline tricks you! You lose 2 pieces of candy!payphoneboy gives you 10 light blue mint-flavoured gummy bears.postindie tricks you! You lose 10 pieces of candy!redglassspider tricks you! You get a gives you 15 green pineapple-flavoured gumdrops.serveyourrobot gives you 14 dark green mint-flavoured gummy bears.she_to_me gives you 13 mauve vanilla-flavoured gummy fruits.suburbangoth tricks you! You get a block of wood.spyderpixie ends up with 48 pieces of candy, a thumbtack, and a block of wood.Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
Wow. Isn't that cool? Oh and I just bought myself a paid account. What should I do with it?
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