on Warren

Dec 18, 2008 17:35

While I can understand many LGBT activist and their complaints about Obama’s choice of using Warren for the prayer service at the inauguration, I don’t think this will show a precedence of Obama’s policies.

Andrew Sullivan, a conservative LGBT activist was quoted saying, "[It's] shrewd politics, but if anyone is under any illusion that Obama is interested in advancing gay equality, they should probably sober up now."

I don’t particularly agree with Sullivan on the sobering part.  I don’t think that we should expect Obama to charge in and give marriage rights to same-sex couple the first day or even year in office.  That isn’t his priority.  He has a war and an economic crisis on his hand.  That and he’s working on uniting a country that has been very divided by the blue state/red state mentality.

That being said I hold Obama far more likely to pass a federal civil union bill, same-sex hate crime or protect act, work on don’t ask don’t tell or even get that family act moving again (the one where same-sex couples could get easier access to green cards).

The man is working for everyone and I think people are being overly critical of Warren.  I don’t agree with his polices of working against marriage rights for LGBT folks and his pro-life views.  That doesn’t make his an evil person.  Warren has also been a huge advocate for the poor and the AIDS epidemic.  You aren’t going to find a perfect minister to participate in the inauguration, or one that will appease everyone.

As my life goes on I find more people I disagree with.  This will be a fact of life for everyone.  It doesn’t make them or myself wrong, because we all have different opinions, and frankly that makes life interesting.  If we didn’t have arguments, life would be a hell of lot more droll.


Currently Reading: Cat’s Cradle

Author: Kurt Vonnegut

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