It's Going Down

Jun 27, 2006 10:53

So I decided that it has been far too long since I've said what is going on in my life, so here's the up-date:

I just moved out of my apartment in Chicago yesterday... So I'm officially done with that chapter in my life. I've lived in my first apartment and have grown from that experience and know what I'm getting into in apartments from now on.

I currently am getting fed up with life. I mean, I love my life, I just hate the position that I am in right now in my life. I just am so anxious to be done with school and get the true 9-5 job with the actual salary that way I can afford to do things without asking mummy and daddy for money all the time, because let me tell ya working 4-8 hours a week at Express is NOT cutting it at all. Do they not realize that I am 21 and I like to go out and I'm not wanting to be dependent on the parents anymore? (

And speaking of being 21, can I just mention how much I LOVE being 21?! Life has never been so good until now because of it!

But anyways, getting $65 dollars every two weeks does not pay the bills whatsoever. Plus I'm just sick of working retail or waitressing. I want the office job really bad and now. I just want to be independent. But unfortunately, I have to wait 2+ plus years to graduate from NIU... And I'm sick of school!

And speaking of school, I'm so excited because I made the Dean's List at MCC for the spring semester!!!! Just goes to show what I can do when I actually put my mind to it. But I'm still pissed-off at my Astronomy teacher for giving me the 89%. I had a solid A going for that class with all the tests, mid-term, labs, and homework, but somehow I kind of bombed the final with a 72% so that gave me a 89% for the class, but the rest of my classes this semester were As. What an asswhole! Oh well, I guess I deserved it....
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