Sope, after a nice long shower, an anti-aggression post and some food and coke and some sleep, I´m hopefully able to write a small report about the Dir en Grey concert here in Dresden.
I sold my Miyavi ticket in order to be able to pay the ticket for Dir en Grey.
I don´t deny this <3
And so I started traveling to Dresden yesterday morning. Had to take a day off x3 (just missed 2h history, 2h English, 4h freetime, 2h sports, missable, right? xD )
Well took me 6 hours by train to get to Dresden and had to change trains twice, but that´s no problem, made it to Dresden without any problems.
Finally reached Dresden at 2pm and looked for my hostel, which is, for some strange reason, next to the World Trade Center oO"
After dropping my stuff there and checking in I went to the concert hall.
Alter Schlachthof - old butchery, somehow this fits for Dir en Grey :D
Meet some friends there and waited endless times before we could get inside...
One friend was (thank God) able to smuggel something to drink inside, otherwise we would have died xD
But getting was some major difficulty...
One hour before the normal entry stuff thingy started everybody paniced and pushed forwards...
Complete nonsense, damn it...
I didn´t take any bags or stuff with me so I didn´t get any problems with the security xD
And because a friend stopped the whole procedure, we had to wait (they found most of her drinks, some fruit juice, and the had to throw it away and they took her mp3 player)
But it was worth waiting xD
I just turned around when Shinya and Die went into the hall~
And the best thing: none of the girlies saw it, no screaming, so the guys didn´t run into the hall and you could take a good look *_*
Well, the concert hall seemed pretty empty when we came in...
But suddenly that changed ._____.
People were pushing etc, no problem, wasn´t that bad and nobody was pissed about the support band Fair to Midland.
The support last year was pretty crappy but this band was pretty good, had a funny show xD
A bit freaky but who cares xD
Sometimes they looked like someone tortured them with electro-shocks oO"
a bit like Kyo xD
and everybody was cooled and relaxed... Till Fair to Midland finished and some staff(!!!) started fixing Dir en Gray´s instruments...
Staff - screaming
Mist - screaming
Any movement on stage - screaming
That´s sick...
But who cares, as long as Dir en Grey finally start their concert x3
That techno-like intro was pure fun xD
And they looked awesome x3
Sadly, you couldn´t even hear the beginning of the first song, you can easily guess why .____. Can´t you?
They played stuff from their latest album, some Withering to Death and Obscure from their Vulgar-album.
Don´t know the exact playlist just some songs, besides Obscure they played Merciless Cult, Clever Sleazoid, Grief, Agitated Screams of Maggots, Disabled Complex, Rotting Root, Saku, Conceived Sorrow, just give me some time to think about it xD
Sadly, it was totally impossible to actually hear Agitated Screams of Maggots, since everybody was screaming and/or singing - fucking hell, this song is un-scream-with-high-piercing-voices-able and unsingable -_____-
Especially if they don´t know the text nor the tone xD
Some girl next to me always tried to sing and well, didn´t really know the lyrics so anything the sang during Cleaver Sleazoid was "you moron"
I don´t know all lyrics either but at least I´m not trying to make myself think I could.
You could hardly hear Kyo and I´m not going to forgive those fangirly-bitches for screaming none-stop while Kyo was laughing like hell.
The most scaring laughter I´ve ever heard Q______Q
But the stupid fangirlies didn´t hear it, to busy screaming. Took them quite a fucking while to stop and listen to kyo instead -_______-
I´m thanking Kyo on my knees for just spitting some blood and for not scratching his body like he did at Wacken m(_ ____ _)m
Otherwise thing could have become unbearable...
At least I had Hannah with me (Met her and her friends at the Dir en Grey concert in 2005)
And even if it sounds like an elite-asshole etc we sometimes couldn´t stopp ourselves from pissing of some screamy fangirls...
Some jumping on their feet, sometimes a two-people pogo and a pretty space-needing way of headbanging xD and guess what, they stayed away xD
Who wouldn´t if they always got an ellbow into their belly when they were screaming while Kyo sang o__ov
(I know I can be an arrogant bitch thanx) (if people feel the strong need to sing,
they could do it a bit more silent? Not as loud as they´re trying to force Kyo to hear them -____- )
We were standing somewhere in the middle and got a clear view of the members o___ov
I still wonder why Toshiya looked like he was in a sauna while Kaoru and Die looked fresh and dry xD
Shinya looked awesome, too. And you could see him xD he didn´t hide behind his drums like he did at Wacken~ ok he tried to hide behind his hair xD
Kaoru always looked like "hey, people look at me, I´m God, I´m the only One" xD
Die "I´m a fucking Rockstar, bitch" and Toshiya seemed to have fun too x3
Seeiing them move always makes me wonder how those girlies can stand there like made of stone x_____x
Not to mention Kyo´s sexy dance *Q*
Ok, this made the girlies scream but... Aww x3
He was awesomely psycho xD cool show~
For some strange reason I feel like the concert was actually pretty short oO"
Finished at 22.40 according to a friend oO and take into account that Dir en Grey had a support band ._____.
Of course they had a small break but just played 2-4 songs after that and no Encore ._____.
ok, maybe this was their Encore...
Mmmh... But still... Short concert .___. But totally enjoyable, at least the band but not the fans...
(but I have to cope with them if I ever want to go to a Dir en Grey concert
again... Hope they stay away from the Girugamesh concert in September)
Maybe it´s just me who felt the concert was a bit short...
Wonder how many people took a day off to see Dir en Grey Oo"
There were some Japanese as well, I´m not sure if they actually traveled all the way from Japan to see Dir en Grey oO"
Ok some guys at Wacken traveled all the way from South Africa oO" (ok, I went to Finnland for a festival but
-hell- I thought about a travel to Finnland even without the festival)
and I don´t want to know how long people waited in front of the hall, in their nearly nothing cloths oO"
I count at least 3 or 4 ambulances driving by not to mention all the girls the security took out during the concert.
and all those girlies who became bitchy because people had fun with pogos and mosh pits, they should listen to Dir en Grey and then tell me that this music isn´t worth a pogo -___-" it´s easy to guess that there´ll pogos and mosh pits...
(Ah I´m getting far too pissed about those fangirlies, I know, but I feel so much better after writing bitchy posts xD )
some more later...
I´m unhappy, I just lost my mp3 player with 2GB music and my ears hurt because I decided to get a third hole pierced at each side .__.
But I´m happy that I did so xD
Just 3€ and the piercings were included xD