I keep seeing this quote, or quotes along these lines in the press reports about our no-longer-so-esteemed governor's potential successor:
"Mr. Paterson, who is legally blind, would become the first black governor of New York"
is it just me or is here something wrong with this? what does the fact that he is legally blind have to do with the fact that he might be the first black governor? shouldn't it go something like this-
"Mr. Paterson, who is legally blind, would become the first disabled/ visually impaired/ blind? governor of New York"?
is it wrong to expect B to follow from A? or am I missing some little known link between being black and being legally blind?
of course that's not nearly as bad as this line in the nytimes
"And now add to the lengthening list Gov.
Eliot Spitzer, husband, father of three teenage daughters, who authorities on Monday said had been involved with a ring of prostitutes.
which makes it sound like Spitzer's daughter's were the ones involved in prostitution.