Um, seeing as how I haven't really paid much attention to this journal, like, all year, I've changed all my FO posts to private and I'm fixing to use this as a fandom journal only. So in other words, I'll probably only be posting fics here, and occasional icon batches if I feel like posting the ones I make for RP. IDK.
I just have no desire to talk about my life anymore. It's boring. I feel kinda bad because I met all you awesome people here and I kinda dropped off the face of the earth. My presence is still pretty strong on
Tumblr, so feel free to add me there if you haven't already.
I'm also on
Facebook and wouldn't mind a bit if you wanted to add me there, just please let me know who you are on here so I know! I'm gonna try and use my RL Twitter more too. I miss talking to you guys, I just kinda fell out of interest for keeping up this LJ. So, I decided I'd just post fic here.
If you wanna de-friend, I totally understand, no hard feelings at all. I've been kind of a jerk, falling off the face of the earth like I have.
Hope all of you are doing well!