Woo so today was rather boring. I got measured for my uniform sizes for De Paul. At first I put the skirt on my hips and I was thinking, "hmm..am I really that fat?" So I told my Mom and the measure-er lady and they're like, "No silly, you have to wear it on your waist!" Well that's just super, I felt like Mrs. Cording..oh, it did fit..and my oh my... Then I wore one of the sweaters I got and I looked like an old lady, fabulous. Oh, and every single time I tried something on the meausure-er lady was all "Go look in the mirror!" and of course these two black girls were staring at me like I was insane or something, so I started to feel uncomfortable and stuff. But yeah, after that whole shebang we went to the Stop & Shop parking lot and my Mom's all "Get chapstick" and she gave me money but I didn't need any all the people I hate from St. Catherine's, LL, and my school were in there so I'm like, "I don't wanna. I don't need any..plus, everyone I hate is in there" and we got into this huge argument about it, gosh. So finally she's like, "You're unbelievable! No computer for you!" and I'm like "Uhm, right Mom, ground me because I don't need any chapstick and therefore I don't wanna get any, God I fucking hate you!" and she's like "You're so disrepectful, God! Do you think I'd say that to MY parents!?" and I'm thinking, "Well, quite frankley, I don't give a shit about your childhood at all..nope!" Cause I'm so fucking tired of my parents comparing their childhood to mine. I don't care about them, that much. I mean God, enough is enough. So yeah, then we got home and I went on the computer, cause I knew I wasn't grounded, and I wrote some poems. I think I have 3 left to do now..but I don't know what to cateragorize them all as. Ugh, I hate writing poetry for school...
So uhm yeah, that's about it.
By the way, it'd be superduper if you all joined my community, which is new and dead [yeah, we're good!]
que_padre ♥
I ♥ Alli. A Lot. Especially her written art, it's oh-so-superduper to the 456754679565468546854th power. Yay for Alli//
fleetingsunrise ♥