what's goin on (i said hey, hey, hey)

Sep 14, 2010 20:26

♥ I have to find about $250 somewhere so I can pay for a portraiture class, a set of oils and a canvas. I've also set aside $100 for my parents' birthday gifts and $1200 for international plane tickets. holy money crisis, batman!

♥ Rose/Scorpius art requests? I'll actually try to finish them, I promise- I want more portrait practice before I start my class next week. PG-13 at the strongest, please.

♥ Getting close to finishing a sequel to the Rose/Scorpius piece Chemistry. I've written the middle twice, and now I'm not sure which I like better. Oh dear.

♥ People I have encountered at work:

- What's The Time Guy (probably has autism and OCD, but he comes in nearly every day and asks up to six times in the same minute what the time is for about fifteen minutes)
- Barefoot Boy (he looked about six and his dad was walking him around the mall without shoes on.)
- Malexander Skarvely (He looks like a cross between Alexander Skarsgaard and Matt Shively. So hot.)
- The Four Fingered Skateboarder (he has four fingers on one hand, and he carries his skateboard in that hand.)
- The Hippie Tipper (I got tipped with a carabiner yesterday by someone who referred to our store as "Hollywood" because it was a franchise. He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt and his camouflage wearing daughter was really embarrassed by his behavior.)

♥ Also I really like using hearts as bullet points. And I'm just using that icon cause I haven't in a while and I really like it.

cashola, things that are eclectic, rose/scorpius, the world as i know it

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