Sep 13, 2010 20:53

 Meme from airekuh , with pictures and explanations:

fuck: Mark Salling

I was really on the fence about this one. I decided on him because he has a good sense of humor about himself, sexyfine shoulders, and takes pictures like this one:

My friends, xxxayakaxxx  and Alex, whom I consulted on this because I couldn't make up my mind and they would be bridesmaids were I to be married today, said this: "so what if he's older? older means more experience!!!" via Skype.

marry: Rupert Grint

These were so tough, but ultimately it was the fact that he's quite funny- did you know he wrote a rap about why he wanted to play Ron Weasley, and taped himself doing it, and that was why they ended up picking him (along with the fact that he's so cotton-pickin cute). Also, he's redheaded, has a British accent, and probably knows and cares about the Harry Potter books as much as I do. The fact that he made $30 million last year is also good.

kill: Nathan Kress.

I was going to marry him, because he says things on twitter like this: "It makes me really happy when I see elderly people still in love. I dunno why, it's just the sweetest thing!" and was the only one of the three who is actually age-appropriate and is generally cute, but then I watched Morning Express with Robin Meade this morning and I saw Rafer Wigel and was like, "That's Nathan in 20 years," and decided against it. Sorry buddy.
(Also, in the episode of iCarly I watched yesterday, he was lusting after Miranda Cosgrove again, and we just can't have that, can we?)

Nathan (I just can't post a dweeby picture of him, it has to be a cute one- I wanted to post a dweeby one so I wouldn't feel as bad but he has gotten quite cute):

("Shhh!" he says. "You can't tell anyone that Sarah just killed me off!")

Rafer (for the sake of comparison):

also, let me know if you want three for your own FMK.

memery, things that are sexyfine

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