Brought home a lot of new information, and technique to use with the Canon and Lumix. Even though my Lumix isn't a 'real' DSLR, more like a hybrid, what I am learning applies to it.
The only problem I had is this: What is the use of RTFM when TFM is incorrect? The Lumix manual is wrong on how to set up choosing focus zones. I spent almost an hour, going step by step according to the manual over and over, without any luck. I was beginning to think the camera was broken. Turns out, the manual was wrong. It forgot one very important step. Set the camera to CUSTOM first.
Bad news is my Canon is acting up. It's probably coming to it's "End of use" life.
Aikidomayland really pissed me off last night with "Well, why did you buy a defective camera?" It's not defective.. it's an old, much loved, much used digital SLR. And I tried to explain to him about that, and then he said just use the Lumix in the class. *sigh* Once more I tried to 'splain to him about the Lumix not being a DSLR, but a hybrid, and he just can't get his head around that.