I can has a TARDIS!

Feb 05, 2010 02:34

Well, I was lurking crafty_tardis the other day and I got taken by the TARDIS dishcloth in this post... so I decided to make one myself. About time I dedicated my newlyfound knitting skills to satisfy my inner Whovian. ;D

It made a nice little break from all the lace knitting, and there's something so very satisfying in a project you can finish in a couple of hours (speed-knitter, I'm not).

And here it is! To tell you the truth, I'm not entirely happy with how the border stitch came out... I think I will try the garter stitch border next. I think it might look cuter that way.

It's reversible, too! I kind of like how the Wrong Side looks...

And of course, Dido had to come and inspect that new thingy she could shed all over.

If you want to make this, the pattern is here... but I'll warn you, there are a few mistakes you'll have to correct as you go along.

cat, pictures, knitting, doctor who

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