WIP meme!!

Mar 08, 2009 00:00

“Doumeki, please tell me those are not fake boobs.”

With more strength that he thought he would have with so little sleep on him, he dug an elbow in the lazy lump at his back, which gave a satisfying “oomph!” and rolled away from him, though if the immediately resumed snoring was any indication, didn’t join him in the world of the living just ( Read more... )

meme, xxxholic, wip, one piece

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popkin16 March 8 2009, 02:38:20 UTC
I want. Every. Single. One.

A;DSKJAS SUCH A TEASE. I can only hope and pray that these move from the WIP folder to the "Finished".


anyjen March 8 2009, 02:45:24 UTC
Now you know how I feel when my muses decide to abandon me mid-project (and sometimes mid-sentence). ^^U

(but hey! at least tonight they let me write a couple of paragraphs for the transvestite!Doumeki ficcie. That's something. :P)

Any sentence you're feeling particularly curious about?


popkin16 March 8 2009, 02:47:45 UTC
NOT FAIR. We should find a way to drag them back to you.

(a;dkjfa;skd transvestite!Doumeki, oh god. I assume that's the "tell me those aren't boobs" line?)

Um, the washing machine one, actually. I giggled when I read it...


anyjen March 8 2009, 02:54:06 UTC
Indeed. I could have posted some other sentence that hasn't already appeared in the preview I posted ahile back, but this is my favourite sentence of that whole fic, so it stays. XD

Ironically, the washing machine sentence belongs to the one ficcie I've started that is not meant to be funny or happy... at all. My humour muses managed to sneak that sentence past my grim angst ones, but it's about the only instance of giggle-inducing writing in that wip... which will most likely never see the light of day 'cause it's actually a rape fic

The first chapter is done, together with most of the second and bits and pieces of the following ones, but it was such a depressing fic to write that I abandoned it of my own free will... even if some of my best writing showed up for it. Darn my muses! >_>


popkin16 March 8 2009, 02:59:18 UTC
It's hilarious! It definitely captures your attention too, and makes you want to read more about those boobs...which is a funny way of putting it, now that I've typed that out >.<

It's a rape fic? Who gets raped?! There's a rape-fic written by....serene_twinkle, I think. It has a happy ending, so I don't mind so much. :O Your best writing?! Why do muses do that? I feel like grabbing your muses and shaking them...

I don't blame you. I don't know about you, but when I write about something depressing, I tend to get depressed. (Hence my love-hate relationship with death fics, because they're so well-written and inspire such emotions, but I always end up crying)


anyjen March 8 2009, 03:12:11 UTC
There is another part I like even better than that one, but it was two sentences and the rules of the meme said only to include one... darn it! >_Actually, Watanuki (I had an idea for Doumeki, too, but Watanuki was my choice in the end because of the strange way in which he seems to remember things ( ... )


popkin16 March 8 2009, 03:22:55 UTC
Awww! Well maybe I'll get to read it if it ever gets finished....

I see. Poor Watanuki...bad things happen to that boy.

Rape is a difficult subject to deal with, especially if you've never experienced it, or don't know anybody personally that has. I think you'd actually be a nice writer for that type of fic, because you always make sure to know what you can about the subject you're writing about, and what you don't know can be filled in somewhat by research.

I wouldn't mind reading it, if you don't mind sending it!

=.= I'm so sorry.


anyjen March 8 2009, 03:38:13 UTC
That one will definitely get finished, since it was written on request and well-received (whatever I showed of it). I'm taking so long to write because I'm trying to pack as much of a punch into each line as I can, and that is hard to do in a purely humorous fic. The crucial parts are done, though, so it's mostly just filling in between them. ^^

Yeah, but I'm also not a native speaker, and while you can't really tell most of the time, in such a serious fic it's hard to do... I feel that I'm not experienced enough a writer to really say what I meant to say with this. *sighs*

ok.... now, how do you want them? just the first chapter (which is polished) and the bit of the second that is done (mostly unpolished), or everything? (including isolated chunks of fic or dialogue that I may or may not have included in the finished version)


popkin16 March 8 2009, 03:42:16 UTC
Oh, good. I'm always happy to hear -- er, read -- that one of your fics will be finished. I understand how difficult writing can be; it's one genre I could never get the hang of. But you're excellent at channeling Watanuki, so I'm sure it will be epic.

I once again forgot you're not a native speaker, so I never took that into consideration when talking about you writing that fic. I still think you'd be a great writer for it, but I understand where you're coming from as well. I suppose it's frustrating to be...unsure of your wording when writing in another language.

All of it, please!


anyjen March 8 2009, 03:53:59 UTC
Watanuki's inner flailings are easy to understand, for me. I'm not really sure why, though I guess I can say we are sort of alike in certain crucial aspects and that helps. XD

When I started writing in English I was afraid I wouldn't be able to say what I wanted to say and make something people would enjoy out of it... but it seems that at least my (weird) sense of humour comes across nicely in my odd English. I still don't feel very confident about more serious pieces, though. When you don't have humour (or smex in every chapter) to keep the readers interested, you have to rely purely on good prose, plot and characterization... and that's really demanding.

Ok! I'm first going to send what is mostly polished, and then the loose chunks... they're a real mess, and I need to put some sort of order to them, or you will be thoroughly lost. ^^U


popkin16 March 8 2009, 03:56:45 UTC
You certainly have a better handle on 'Holic characters than I do.

You always get your point across in English, and you haven't written anything that I haven't liked. Plot and characterization are so crucial to a multi-chaptered fic, it's difficult to keep them consistent and IC. >.< I struggle with that....

LOL Thank you *glomp* It means a lot that you'd share.


anyjen March 8 2009, 04:45:48 UTC
I try, but the boys don't always cooperate. Doumeki in particular doesn't seem to want to share his thoughts with me. :P

Tell me about it... "Dreams and Realities" is only four chapters long and still I struggled with keeping them in-character and still doing and saying the things I wanted them to do and say. In chapter four, Doumeki is slightly more verbose than he should have been, really.
...and I'm still not happy how Watanuki reacted when Doumeki was attacked by that dream ayakashi. *sighs*

ok, sent everything... now, if you don't run away screaming after this, is because you really like my writing style, for whatever reason. ^^U

tell me if something didn't reach you!


popkin16 March 8 2009, 05:11:14 UTC
Doumeki isn't really the type to share his thoughts with anyone, really.

You did a great job keeping Doumeki and Watanuki consistent in "Dreams and Realities". I don't remember feeling that Doumeki was a bit more talkative than he should have been at any point in the fic, and Watanuki's reaction to Doumeki getting hurt was wonderful. I'm sure Watanuki feels guilty about putting Doumeki in danger so often, and then in your fic he actually comes very close to death, much closer than he's ever been before. All that pent up guilt, all that worry, added to the stress and fear he must have felt watching Doumeki nearly die would definitely result in tears.

I read everything, and I've sent a small response to you. I don't know where you want me to write my opinions out -- here, or in the e-mail? -- so I haven't yet. I like your writing style because it's informative, in-character, and well-written. XD


anyjen March 8 2009, 03:57:52 UTC
(check your inbox, the first chapter should be there by now)


popkin16 March 8 2009, 04:01:15 UTC
(I've got it! Thanks XD)


anyjen March 8 2009, 04:04:31 UTC
please tell me what you think of it. Who knows, it might re-awaken my muses... :P


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