WIP meme!!

Mar 08, 2009 00:00

“Doumeki, please tell me those are not fake boobs.”

With more strength that he thought he would have with so little sleep on him, he dug an elbow in the lazy lump at his back, which gave a satisfying “oomph!” and rolled away from him, though if the immediately resumed snoring was any indication, didn’t join him in the world of the living just yet.

Luffy stuck a finger into his nose and started digging around with a dedication people normally reserved for gold-mining or treasure-hunting.

As a matter of fact, Watanuki had grown to resent Doumeki’s upbringing somewhat, and with very good reason, in his opinion.

She didn’t know enough about humans to understand the relevance of the fact that they were both apparently not wearing anything underneath the sheets, but the sheer ownership expressed by the arm around her Beloved’s waist was one she couldn’t ignore.

He could still smell the miso soup from his clothes, and it mixed and mingled surprisingly well with the fresh smell of the falling sakura petals and the smoky sweet smell of incense coming from Doumeki’s robes.

But even if the crimson-eyed butterfly had been blessed and cursed in very much the same way he had, he couldn’t love her, because she couldn’t be loved.

If anything, Doumeki proved to be as greedy when it came to sex as he was about food... which meant that he always wanted more, and he wasn’t shy about demanding variety.

Any of these realizations should have been worrisome enough on their own, but together they painted a rather grim picture, and he had never been much of an art enthusiast, himself.

‘The guy I share an eye with appears to be inside a washing machine’ isn’t usually accepted for a reason to abandon club activities halfway through.

For somebody with such an atrocious sense of direction, the marimo could certainly find trouble easily enough.

meme, xxxholic, wip, one piece

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