Fun meme!

Feb 22, 2009 08:14

1. Doumeki/Watanuki

Ooooh, my current obsession. This one snuck up on me one day and then never let go. I was aware of the chemistry between these two since Doumeki was first introduced, but I guess I wasn’t really that interested in them.... until the Spider Grudge arch. It was then that this pairing used its 1337 n1nj4 skills to hit me in the head with the yaoi mallet and left me smiling stupidly, mind full of happy DouWata (and WataDou) thoughts.

This pairing was actually strong enough to get me out of an extended writing hiatus... I’d managed to stay away from writing fanfiction for more than two years before that sneak attack. And I managed to hold my ground for a while... until my muses suddenly came back to life and forced me to start “Dreams and Realities”. The rest, is history. ^^U

2. One Piece

Like many before me, I was reluctant to start reading this. The artwork kind of threw me off, but since so many people liked it, I decided to give it a chance and downloaded the first volume (back when I had dial-up, so it was a big step). Then I downloaded the second one. And the third. And I never stopped.

I was immediately drawn to Sanji and Zoro and their lovely bickering interaction made my inner yaoi fangirl happy, so of course it became my One Piece OTP. Although I’ve said before that I can read just about any pairing and enjoy them, SoZan (or ZanSo... again, I’m not picky) is still my fav for this fandom.

Although I had some ideas for fics going around my fangirl head, I tend to stay away from overused formulas (because they don’t tickle my muses into working), and since there is already so much written for this fandom, I wasn’t really planning on writing anything... but then, of course, miss bunnymaccool happened. Now there are actually two SoZan stories in the oven (on top of everything else I’m working on... somebody help me!).


A Love/Hate relationship if I ever had one... I was first introduced to CLAMP back in the year 2000 when a friend of mine lent me the ten volumes of RG Veda. Yeah, not a very happy start. I was immediately fascinated by the artwork (the hair! The clothes! The sheer amount of details!!), the humour, the drama, but it was the deep, dark, twisting (and twisted) plot which made me a CLAMP addict. Ironically, the second CLAMP series I came in contact with was Cardcaptor Sakura, which is (in my opinion) the sweetest one of all. That was a real mindjob after all the blood and angst of RG Veda, I’ll tell you. XD

It probably helped that several of my net friends were obsessed with CLAMP too (so I had people to fangirl with), but I eventually started reading all their works I could get my fangirl paws on. There are a couple I haven’t read yet, and a couple I read and didn’t like, but I love these four Osakan women and their created worlds. I particularly love how much homo-sensuality (otherwise known as fanservice) they throw in practically every one of their works, and the way the stories cross-over with each other. That’s why I really, really fell in love with TRC when it first started serializing, because it dealt with my second favourite couple (in chronological order) AND a lot of my old favourite characters showed up when they started travelling. I was sooo happy to see Sorata again... and I nearly cried when I saw Ryu (and Souma, and Karura, and Karyoubinga, and both Ashuras, and Yasha, and...), since he was my favourite character from RG Veda (and that should tell you why I was so happy to see him in such a friendly context. ^^U)

4. Pets

A Real Life obsession of mine. I’ve always loved animals (and yes, I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was a child. ^^U) and I find almost any one of them cute (with the possible exception of spiders and ‘roaches). I mean that quite literally. I’ve had cats, dogs, hamsters, goldfish, a canary, a turtle (who was called Manolo Manolito Manuel Emanuel Nahuel Catriel Canizo. And no, he didn’t answer to his name. XD), a sparrow, a snail, a locust, a puppa... my house would seriously be a zoo if money allowed it.

Unfortunately, I seem to like animals more than animals like me. I’m a loud, rather clumsy person and I make sudden and unpredictable movements, which only seems to makes me popular with dogs... but although I’m very good with dogs (and I mean very good. I can get really unsocial dogs to love me within minutes), I’m not that fond of them, ironically...

The animals which hate me the most seem to be cats (and the happen to be my favourite animal), so I was really happy I was able to get my own kitten, who got used to my loud, clumsy self as she grew up and likes me anyway. ^___^

5. English (seriously, lol. We've talked about how you're learning it, and I find it interesting)

I started learning English when I was ten years old. I never stopped. That makes it a fourteen-year old relationship, so I guess yes, English is here to stay for me.

I love this language. The grammar is much simpler than the one in my mother tongue, the verbs say more things than the ones we use (to the point that if we want to translate a verb like “sneak” we would need two or three words to say the same thing), and although the spelling and pronunciation were a bit of a challenge at first, I had very good teachers and I got the hang of it eventually. Plus my love for reading made learning the language easier, as fanfiction, scanlated manga and other free and easily available sources of the written language helped me improve my vocabulary and get familiar with grammar structures that are quite challenging for us Spanish speakers (because the English language is rather straight-forward, while we have a lot of leeway in word-order in Spanish, and a lot more choice in what we can omit in a sentence).

I’m actually studying to become a teacher of English as a foreign language, so if you notice that I have a slightly better grammar and vocabulary than your average foreign user of the language, that’s the reason. I’m supposed to be good enough to teach it to other people, so I have to have a good level. ^^U

And I got a list from astrokender , too, so here it is:

1. Doumeki (especially cross-dressing Doumeki)
2. Argentina
3. mice
4. summer
5. Brooke

1. Doumeki (especially cross-dressing Doumeki)

Ooooh, Doumeki... I love that guy. He seems to know exactly what he wants and how to get it... but not always feel the need to put in the effort to obtain it. Gotta love his “whatever” philosophy.

As for the “cross-dressing” bit... well, I’ve been having some really interesting conversations on the topic with sparklyfanta lately; and she came up with an adult-version cross-dressing Doumeki that tickled my muses to no end. Because really, he would wear women’s clothes and make it seem the most natural thing in the world. He spent years of his childhood in a girl’s kimono, after all, so it probably even feels melancholic for him.

That, and he totally has the legs for a skirt, don’t you think? ;D

2. Argentina

Teehee, I guess you don’t come across too many people from my country in an English-speaking community, right? ^^

Well, I’ve never even spent a day outside my home country in my life, but I love communicating with people from other countries... it’s interesting to see how differently or how alike we look at life despite living so far apart.

Not that I’m lacking in diversity at home, since one of the things I love the most about my country is that we don’t discriminate people for the colour of their skin, eyes or hair; “race” is an alien concept for us since we are all a big mesh of people from many, many different countries. I, for example, have ancestors from Germany, Holland, Spain, Italy, and Argentina... meaning, Native Americans (the ones from this side of the map). And I’m not alone in having mixed ancestry; it’s practically the norm over here. That’s because my country has an “open doors” policy towards foreigners. As long as you’re interested in living in our country and working to improve it, you will be granted citizenship. We have more than enough room, after all. I don’t know if you’ve taken a look at a map, but our country is pretty darn big, and we still have many places that could use more population. ^_^

3. mice

Oh, my beauties... I love mice. But it’s not just mice; I love pets in general, and small, furry and cuddly animals in particular.

I’ve never understood why some people fear them... I mean, spiders or roaches I can understand, but mice are cute. O_o

And they’re much, much tamer than hamsters (yet people love hamsters better). I would know; I used to have several when I was a teenager. The most difficult thing back then was to get them used to you so they wouldn’t bite... and trust me, a hamster’s bite hurts (and bleeds) like hell. I remember, once one of them bit me in the thumb and her teeth got caught in my bone, so that she couldn’t get herself free after biting... damn, but that hurt. I still have the scar...

On contrast, you have to get a mouse very, very scared (or angry) for it to attempt to bite you, and even then it’s usually more meant to scare you away than hurt you. It’s very rare that a mouse bites you hard enough to draw blood (and it would have to have been extremely provoked).

Cathy, for example, is very antisocial and afraid of humans because she wasn’t handled often enough while in the pet shop and I got her when she was already an adult, but even with all that the most she does more often than not is kick wood shavings at me to appear more fierce than she is (there’s something so adorable about such a small animal kicking such a big fuss just because you want to hold it).

4. summer

Hehe, this must be because I’ve whined about how hard it was for me to endure hot, humid summers, right’ ^^U

Well, it’s true. I grew up 3,500 km south from here, and this being the southern hemisphere, that means that it was a heck of a lot colder there than here. It was very hard for me to move so far north to go to university, and although I’ve adjusted pretty well, sometimes it’s really hard for me to endure the heat.

5. Brooke

Oh, how I love that skeleton man... You see, I have a weird sense of humour. Some would say that I’m easily amused (and they’d probably be right)... whatever the reason, I actually find Brooke’s skeleton jokes funny. I’m also a music lover, so when he first showed up humming, I automatically knew I’d love him (and they gave him such a beautiful voice in the anime!! X3) I cried when he told his back-story (more than once, as a matter of fact. ^^U) and it made me so happy that he was Laboon’s nakama... I’ve always liked that whale.

I honestly wasn’t expecting to grow so fond of a character I couldn’t even drool, but it’s happened and now he is one of my favourite strawhats. :3

xxxholic, rant, animals, brooke, one piece, doumeki, meme, clamp, doumeki/watanuki

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