movie night

Nov 18, 2009 06:12

So I just watched Hana Yori Dango Final (I know, I'm way late) followed by I Come with the Rain (I do not recommend this combination pretty much ever). I went from cheesy happy ridiculous 'hyakunen saki mo~' to what-the-hell-I-sort-of-feel-sick.

(this is really just a lot about movies so feel free to not read anything)

I was anticipating I Come with the Rain. I don't really know how I feel about it still, but I'm sure I didn't 'get' all of it. There were parts I liked though. (I was interested in the director's style since he will be doing Norwegian Wood, and I actually think his style will go well with Murakami's). Mostly that sick feeling is from the sculptures of the murderer in the movie, because while I know they're fake... they're still pretty grotesque. It was an interesting watch, but I don't recommend it for anyone who is watching for pure entertainment/enjoyment.

...and following up on Juri Ueno to Itsutsu no Kaban (episode 2: HOPE, directed by Michael Arias)... I think I just like the guy's style in general, though he uses the same themes/imagery a lot (the sea as a 'paradise'/wave sounds, busy-looking space, glowing light). And Plaid's music.. though I enjoy it and don't mind.

So recently my friend and I went to see The Box. I didn't look into it too much, I just saw a preview before and saw that it was the director of Donnie Darko and inspired by a Twilight Zone episode. Apparently it got shit reviews, but I actually didn't think it was bad. It definitely seemed Darko-ish but it didn't really take away from it. The end felt a little overdone, but it was fun anyway. The audience it appealed to was interesting. My friend and I were in there, but there was also this old man that was laughing out loud at some parts and seemed to be having a ball by himself. He even stayed to look at all the credits and everything. I wonder if it appealed a lot to the Twilight-Zone-following crowd much. And if it just didn't appeal to non-Twilight-Zone-watchers. I wasn't into the show, but I have a decent idea of how it was and saw it a few times when I was younger. Then again, I like that type of shit.

The theatre was sort of ridiculous though... when the movie started it was just us two and one person in the back... but by the time the movie ended there were THREE more people sitting in front of us and we didn't see ANY of them come in.

Ok, I was doing another one of my lists but I accidentally deleted it twice so basically.. I'm still a Nino fan, I'm super into Arias' work (which isn't too far off from being a Nino fan), I have a lot of things I want to watch in the next few days (Thirst, Juryoku Pierrot, Tensei Kunpu...), and I'm excited about Utada at the Fillmore in January!!

And my sleeping is fucked, but I'm sort of beyond giving a shit.

note: I need to stop gushing about the same things over and over because I don't want to be the asshole that ruins things for people because I won't shut up! And I feel pretentious when I start talking about movies too much. Sorry guys.

movies, sleep, music, dramas

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